Brawn GP Racing Team


Ali Brawn vozač vidio stvari drugačije. "I can't believe he's blaming me. He hit me, but to be fair I don't really care. It's not really important. I didn't score any points, and that's what's important." "Ne mogu vjerovati da je mene okrivljuje. On me je udario, ali biti fer JA dont 'stvarno briga. To zapravo nije važno. Nisam rezultat bilo koje točke, a to je ono što je važno." The four car incident prompted the release of the safety car whilst the cars and debris were removed from the track. Četiri automobila incident zatraži oslobađanje dok sigurnosti automobila automobile i krhotine su uklonjena sa staze. Rubens used this as aa window of opportunity to adjust his strategy as whilst down in last place he could catch up to the back of the pack with more fuel and a fresh set of tyres. Rubens je iskoristio kao aa prozor prilika da podesite svoje strategije kao dok dolje u zadnje mjesto je mogao sustići na stražnjoj strani paket s više goriva i svježi set guma. Rubens then proceeded to provide in my opinion a Spa masterclass using the BGP001 to full effect with some stellar laps and fantastic overtakes. Rubens je tada nastavila pružati po mom mišljenju Spa masterclass koristeći BGP001 za puni efekt s nekim zvijezda krugova i fantastičan obuzima. I wonder if he had only lost a few places on the grid and remained on strategy how this fantastic driving would have panned out in the race. Pitam se, ako on samo izgubio nekoliko mjesta na rešetku i ostao na strategiju kako ovaj fantastičan vožnje bi pokopala film u utrci. Rubens continued to push to the last with only an oil leak at the end of the race causing a smoke plume to follow him for the last 2 laps. Rubens je nastavio gurati na posljednji sa samo curenje ulja na kraju utrke uzrokujući dim pero da ga slijedi u zadnje 2 kruga. Prior to this he had been hounding down Heikki and I believe would have passed the McLaren driver had he not had to turn it down to make it to the end of the race. Prije toga je bio hounding dolje Heikki i vjerujem da bi prošao je vozač McLaren nije imao to okrenuti prema dolje kako bi ga do kraja utrke. Sebastian Vettel was the only Red Bull Racing driver to score points at Spa so the constructors and drivers championship was not adjusted greatly. Sebastian Vettel je bio jedini Red Bull Racing driver to rovaš bodova na Spa tako konstruktori i vozači prvenstvo nije bio u velikoj mjeri usklađena. This is great news for both Brawn GP and Jenson Button, although I do feel that the way Rubens drove at Spa his championship points haul deserved a little more boost. To je odlična vijest za obje Brawn GP i Jenson Button, premda ne osjećam taj način Rubens odvezli na Spa svoje bodove vući zaslužuje malo više pojačati. PROVISIONAL RACE RESULTS PRIVREMENO Rezultati utrke The Belgian Grand Prix Velika nagrada Belgije Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium; Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium; 44 laps; 308.052km; 44 krugova, 308,052 km; Weather: Sunny. Vrijeme: Sunny. Classified: Razvrstan: Pos Driver Time Pos Driver Time 1. 1. Raikkonen 1h23:50.995 Raikkonen 1h23: 50,995 2. 2. Fisichella + 0.939 Fisichella + 0,939 3. 3. Vettel + 3.875 Vettel + 3,875 4. 4. Kubica + 9.966 Kubica + 9,966 5. 5. Heidfeld + 11.276 Heidfeld + 11,276 6. 6. Kovalainen + 32.763 Kovalainen + 32,763 7. 7. Barrichello + 35.461 Barrichello + 35,461 8. 8. Rosberg + 36.208 Rosberg + 36,208 9. 9. Webber + 36.959 Webber + 36,959 10. 10. Glock + 41.490 Glock + 41,490 11. 11. Sutil + 42.636 Sutil + 42,636 12. 12. Buemi + 46.106 Buemi + 46,106 13. 13. Nakajima + 54.241 Nakajima + 54,241 14. 14. Badoer + 1:38.177 Badoer + 1:38.177 Fastest lap: Vettel, 1:47.263 Najbrži krug: Vettel, 1:47.263 Not classified/retirements: Nije klasificiran / umirovljenja: Driver Team On lap Driver Team On lap Alonso Renault (B) 27 Alonso Renault (B) 27 Trulli Toyota (B) 22 Trulli Toyota (B) 22 Button Brawn-Mercedes (B) 1 Gumb Brawn-Mercedes (B) 1 Grosjean Renault (B) 1 Grosjean Renault (B) 1 Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes (B) 1 Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes (B) 1 Alguersuari Toro Rosso-Ferrari (B) 1 Alguersuari Toro Rosso-Ferrari (B) 1  Read more... Pročitajte više ...     Be the first to rate this [?]