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U.S. terror threat at highest since 9/11: Napolitano

Post n°11 pubblicato il 10 Febbraio 2011 da brkcioyejq

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano warned Wednesday that the threat of terrorism against the United States was in some ways "at its most heightened state" since the September 11, 2001 attacks.

In addition to the threats by al Qaeda, the militant group behind the attacks nearly a decade ago, Napolitano said the country faces new threats from those inspired by the group and those already inside the United States.

"The threat continues to evolve and in some ways the threat today may be at its most heightened state since the attacks nearly 10 years ago," Napolitano told the U.S. House of Representatives' Homeland Security Committee.

She also said in her testimony to lawmakers that U.S. officials believed there may be individuals who want to carry out attacks already in the country and that "they could carry out acts of violence with little or no warning."

Individuals associated with al Qaeda and the Taliban have tried to carry out several attacks against the United States, including by a Nigerian man who allegedly tried to blow up a U.S. airliner with a bomb hidden in his underwear and another individual who plotted to attack the New York subway system.

"As I have said before, we cannot guarantee that there will never be another terrorist attack, and we cannot seal our country under a glass dome," Napolitano said. "However, we continue to do everything we can to reduce the risk of terrorism in our nation."

The head of the National Counterterrorism Center, Michael Leiter, told the committee that the al Qaeda off-shoot based in Yemen, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), at the moment represented the biggest threat to the United States.

Leiter said that the parent al Qaeda group, believed to be hiding in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region, was probably at its weakest point since the September 11, 2001 attacks but remained a "very determined enemy."

"I actually consider al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula with (Anwar) al-Awlaki as a leader within that organization probably the most significant risk to the U.S. homeland," Leiter told the committee, noting that it has a large Internet following.

Al-Awlaki, a Muslim cleric who is U.S. citizen but left the country in 2001 and joined al Qaeda in Yemen, has been tied to plots against the United States over the last two years.

The group has claimed responsibility for the 2009 Christmas Day thwarted attack aboard a U.S. airliner and a more recent attempt to blow up two U.S.-bound cargo planes with toner cartridges packed with explosives.

Al-Awlaki also communicated with a U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan who in November 2009 allegedly went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, that killed 13 and wounded 32. Leiter said that it appeared to be more "inspiration rather than direction."

(Editing by Vicki Allen)

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Low Sun Exposure, Vitamin D Levels May Be Tied to MS Risk

Post n°10 pubblicato il 10 Febbraio 2011 da brkcioyejq

MONDAY, Feb. 7 (HealthDay News) -- Increased sun exposure and higher vitamin D levels may help to protect against the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, a new Australian study suggests.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease whose symptoms include loss of balance, slurred speech, muscle spasms, and difficulty walking or moving the legs or arms. Focused on residents living in Australia, the study also echoed prior findings that this disease of the brain and spinal cord strikes with greater frequency among people who live in less sunny regions farther from the equator.

Study co-author Anne-Louise Ponsonby, a professor, epidemiologist and public health physician with the Murdoch Children's Research Institute at Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, stressed that the exact mechanism by which sun exposure and vitamin D may help protect against a "multi-factorial disease" is not yet clear.

But vitamin D is an important agent that helps modify immune system functioning, she noted, "and laboratory studies have shown higher vitamin D levels can dampen down some of the adverse immune overactivity that occurs in autoimmune diseases such as MS."

Ponsonby and her colleagues conducted their research with the support of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of the United States of America, the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, the ANZ William Buckland Foundation, and Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia. Their observations are published in the Feb. 8 issue of the journal Neurology.

Exposure to the sun results in increased vitamin D levels, since the body makes vitamin D when it is exposed to the ultraviolet B rays in sunlight.

Although past research (some conducted by the same research team) has uncovered a similar association between sun exposure and MS risk protection, the authors noted that the current finding is the first to examine the impact of sun exposure among individuals who are just experiencing precursor signs of MS, but have not yet actually been diagnosed as having the disease.

This approach, the investigators noted, ensured that the new analysis is focused solely on pre-disease sun exposure patterns, rather than sun exposure routines that might be altered after a diagnosis. (Sunlight exposure has not been shownto benefit MS patients after diagnosis.)

Between 2003 and 2006, the research team looked at 216 patients between the ages of 18 and 59 who had early pre-diagnosis signs of MS. The patients were located in one of four different locations in Australia, with latitudes ranging from 27 degrees South to 43 degrees South.

Almost 400 other study participants without any disease indications were also included in the study for comparative purposes.

All were asked to report how much time they had spent in the sun over weekends and holidays during both summer and wintertime over the course of four different time-frames: between the ages of 6 and 10; 11 and 15; 16 and 20; and during the three years leading up to the study. In addition, skin exams were conducted, and blood samples taken to measure vitamin D levels.

The result: the higher the amount of both past and recent sun exposure (as well as specifically leisure-time exposure), the lower the risk for developing early signs of MS.

Specifically noting that sun exposure ranged from 500 to 6000 kiloujules per meter squared, the authors found that for every additional 1000 kilojoules of exposure, the risk of developing the first signs of MS dropped by 30 percent.

In addition, having a higher vitamin D level was also independently linked to a lower risk for developing MS.

What's more, those living in the study regions furthest away from the equator faced a 32 percent greater risk for signs of MS than study participants who lived closest to the equator.

And lastly, those with the most signs of skin damage faced a 60 percent lower risk for developing initial indications of MS compared with those with the least amount of skin damage caused by the sun.

While advising that sun exposure "should not be discouraged," Ponsonby strongly cautioned against the sort of "excessive exposure" that can give rise to a number of adverse health consequences, including possible skin cancer.

Dr. Moses Rodriguez, a professor of neurology and immunology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., agrees that "it's all about not overdoing it".

"Dermatologists can get up in arms with these sorts of studies because they're saying that the amount of sun exposure that you would need to get protection against something like MS would be the amount that would increase your risk for melanoma and skin cancer dramatically," Rodriguez said.

"But in truth, it appears that your mother's idea to go out and play in the sun was not necessarily a bad idea," Rodriguez added. "It's just that everything has to be tempered. You don't, for example, want someone to go take 10,000 units of vitamin D. Yes, you need some sun exposure, and you need some vitamin D. Both appear to have some protective effect in terms of MS. But neither is the whole answer, and neither is going to cure MS."

Nicholas G. LaRocca, vice president of health care delivery and policy research at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in New York City, praised the study for advancing scientific knowledge about MS.

"I do think this is a very important study," he said. "It really moves this field forward in terms of refining our understanding of what puts people at risk for developing MS, and what might reduce this risk."

But like Rodriguez, he also cautioned against "over-interpreting the implications of the current findings."

"Reading this [study], one might be tempted to say 'well, I should move to a sunnier climate' or 'I should dose myself with tons and tons of vitamin D,'" LaRocca said. "But I don't think we know enough to really understand what the full and most appropriate implications are. There are many contributions to MS risk, so we will need a lot more research before it becomes clear what's really going on."

More information

For more on MS, visit the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

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For Immediate Release: Bird-B-Gone Publishes 2011 Bird Control Catalog

Post n°9 pubblicato il 10 Febbraio 2011 da brkcioyejq
Tag: mito

Bird-B-Gone, Inc. the world’s largest manufacturer of effective, humane bird deterrents has published a new catalog for 2011.

Mission Viejo, CA (Vocus/PRWEB) February 08, 2011

Bird-B-Gone, Inc. the world’s largest manufacturer of effective, humane bird deterrents has published a new catalog for 2011.The catalog features over 100 products to help prevent birds from landing or nesting on rooftops, window sills, eaves, canopies, beams, signs and other areas. Bird-B-Gone’s products are easy to install and have industry leading guarantees. Products include bird exclusion netting, bird spikes, low-profile electric track systems, bird repellents, visual bird repeller’s and more.

Since 1992, Bird-B-Gone has provided affordable solutions to pest bird problems. Products have been used to successfully deter birds from airports, schools, hospitals, military bases, historic buildings and other settings where birds have become a nuisance. Bird-B-Gone offers expert advice on choosing and installing the correct products to help solve problems caused by birds, with a team of dedicated bird control engineers and an on staff Ornithologist. If you don’t have the time or resources to handle your bird problem, Bird-B-Gone has a network of trained professionals across the globe that can.

To receive your copy of the new 2011 Bird-B-Gone Catalog, or to get advice on your pest bird problem, call us at 1-800-392-6915 or email your name and address to nobirds(at)birdbgone(dot)com, and put “New Catalog” in the message title. You can also access and download the full catalog online by visiting: .


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Rights groups vow to hunt Bush over torture

Post n°8 pubblicato il 08 Febbraio 2011 da brkcioyejq

GENEVA (AFP) – Human rights groups vowed Monday to pursue George W. Bush wherever he travels, claiming that the former US president had cancelled a trip to Switzerland over fears that he could be probed for torture.

Bush was due to attend a fund-raising gala evening in Geneva this week, but organisers said Saturday that he had cancelled because of the risk of disturbances.

"The reach of the Convention Against Torture is wide -- this case is prepared and will be waiting for him wherever he travels next," said Katherine Gallagher, an attorney and vice-president of the Paris-based International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

Human rights groups pointed out that two "torture victims" were to have filed a criminal complaint in Geneva against Bush, who was due to speak at the gala here on February 12.

"Swiss law requires the presence of the torturer on Swiss soil before a preliminary investigation can be opened," said the FIDH, the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights and the Centre for Constitutional Rights.

"When Bush cancelled his trip to avoid prosecution, the human rights groups who prepared the complaints made (them) public and announced that the Bush torture indictment would be waiting wherever he travels next," they added in a statement.

In his memoirs published last year, Bush claimed that use of the water boarding technique -- which simulates drowning -- had directly prevented terror attacks in Britain and the United States.

He also said in an interview with the British newspaper The Times it was "damn right" that he had authorised use of the controversial method on Al-Qaeda's 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

"Waterboarding is torture, and Bush has admitted, without any sign of remorse, that he approved its use," said Gallagher.

"Torturers -- even if they are former presidents of the United States -- must be held to account and prosecuted. Impunity for Bush must end."

Gavin Sullivan, a lawyer at the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights, added that Bush "bears ultimate responsibility for authorizing the torture of thousands of individuals at places like Guantanamo and secret CIA ?black sites?.

"As all states are obliged to prosecute such torturers, Bush has good reason to be very worried," he said.

Human Rights Watch said in New York that the US authorities themselves should be pursuing Bush.

"The US government should take the lead to investigate former US PresidenGeorge W. Bush and other senior officials for authorizing torture of terrorism suspects rather than leaving prosecutions to other countries," the organization said.

"The US government needs to demonstrate that no official, including an ex-president, is above the law," said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch.

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Inter, Roma clash to stay in Serie A title hunt

Post n°7 pubblicato il 07 Febbraio 2011 da brkcioyejq
Tag: malta

ROME (AFP) – Champions Inter Milan and Roma face a crucial clash at the San Siro this weekend as both sides try to stay in the scudetto hunt.

Inter pipped Roma to the title by two points last year as they finished as the top two for the fourth time in five years -- with Inter winning the championship every time.

But this time around both have been left lagging in leaders AC Milan's wake and defeat in Sunday's game could prove terminal for either side's trophy hopes.

With just 15 games left, this would be a bad time to start losing touch with the teams above but Roma club captain Francesco Totti insists there is still a long way to go.

Asked about his own lack of goals this season -- he has scored just three times in 19 league games -- Totti claimed he would soon click into gear.

"There's still a long way to go in the championship and my goals will come," he said.

"It's a vital match, if we get a result on Sunday we'll be able to remain hot on AC Milan's heels, even though right now we're nine points back with a game in hand."

Milan have stumbled several times since the turn of the year but both Roma and third-placed Inter have failed to take full advantage, themselves slipping up when there was the opporunity to close the gap.

However, things are going a lot better for both of them than for Italy's most successful side, Juventus.

Following the disaster of last season when Juve finished seventh and went through two coaches, they spent big in the summer and hired Luigi Delneri to revive the club's fortunes.

Things started out well enough this season but they have completely lost their way since the turn of the year.

Milan travel to Genoa looking to maintain the five-point lead at the top they extended in midweek despite a 0-0 draw at home to Lazio.

Napoli failed to capitalise as they produced a listless display in losing 2-0 at Chievo.

However, they return home to host struggling Cesena on Sunday while Lazio entertain Chievo.

Fixtures (1400 GMT unless stated):


Bologna v Catania (1130), Brescia v Bari, Genoa v AC Milan, Lazio v Chievo, Lecce v Palermo, Napoli v Cesena, Parma v Fiorentina, Inter Milan v Roma (1945)

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