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Phil Jackson will gladly show you all 13 of his NBA championship rings when you ask to see one

Sure, the book he signed up for Twitter to promote is called "Eleven Rings," but legendary nike air max 24-7 NBA coach/Detroit Pistons consultant Phil Jackson actually has 13 rings — 11 earned directing the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers, and two recognizing his work as a defensive-minded reserve forward on the 1970 and 1973 New York Knicks.For many NBA types, rings won as a player would represent the pinnacle of achievement in the sport; in Jackson's case, though, they serve as sort of a precursor and accent mark to the story of his later coaching accomplishments. As air max bw such — and also because they aren't quite as flashy as what came later — it seems like we don't often see Jackson sporting the rings he won on the floor. One Zen Master Twitter follower wondered what they looked like:Jackson, now throwing himself wholeheartedly into social media, was happy to oblige, nike air max bw and do so in a pretty perfectly Phil way: