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  <!-- .style1 {font-weight: bold} .style2 {font-style: italic} --> Buy Ocean Front Property Jaco Beach
Central America Commercial Real Estate Central Pacific Coast of Costa Rica Jaco Luxury Hotel Brands Jaco Preconstruction Condo Hotel Costa Rica Retiring Costa Rica Sell Property How To Buy Ocean Front Property Jaco Beach
You may have considered purchasing property in Costa Rica. The ocean front property in Costa Rica is a tropical like paradise. If you are considering it I recommend you read this article to help shed some light on the issues involved in buying beach front property in Costa Rica. Costa Rica beaches are one of the most beautiful in the world. One of the advantages of living in Costa Rica is the stable and peaceful government that encourages US citizens to come here and retire. Overall, Costa Rican’s are lovely people and make you feel at home. The crime rate is very low, and during the 15 years I have lived here I haven't had any problems. Have you thought about making the giant leap and purchasing ocean front property as a second home or an investment? During the past 5 years real estate has been increasing at a remarkable 18 - 30 % per year. How do you invest in Costa Rica ocean front properties? Read on, and I'll share my thoughts on the guidelines to buying ocean front property anywhere else in Costa Rica. There are only two ways to go about buying ocean front property in Costa Rica? The wrong way, and my way. Based on my experience of living here in Costa Rica for the last 15 years.
Make sure the area your looking at is a place you would like to Costa Rica vacation at. It's a good idea to search the online forums and interest groups. If you plan on making a large purchase then spend a few days in the area to see if it is the right place for you. You will get a more in depth idea if you spend more time there. You don't want to in your "tropical dream paradise" regretting that you've done it. Find a competent lawyer to represent your interests. Do not get a referral from the seller or real estate agent. Always find your own lawyer to manage your purchase. It is common sense, but important nonetheless. Try to find one that speaks your language fluently and has considerable knowledge of maritime zone law. Costa Rican maritime law is different in every Central American country and you need to know all of the details before Buy Ocean Front Property Jaco Beach. Look around and make contact with the owners of the property. Professional real-estate agents like Century 21 are going to cost a little more than if you purchased directly from the owner. If you’re comfortable with the risk then I recommend looking for the owners directly. The risks are slightly higher when dealing with the owner, but the cost savings will be significant. Your lawyer will make sure you are buying is legitimate. Act Fast! Don't hurry, but act fast. Jaco Land prices are on the rise, and not showing signs of slowing down any time soon. Once your sure, act. The current owner may have second thoughts and want to renegotiate or may not want to sell. Be patient, but act quickly. Negotiate diretly with the owner!! I'll write it one more time. Negotiate directly with the owner. I can't stress this enough. Always, always negotiate directly with the owner.
Get a topographer to do a recent survey the land. The owner will have a "plano catestrado", but you will need to make your own survey to verify the location and size of your Buy Ocean Front Property Jaco Beach. You want to make sure your getting what you paid for. Compare prices and value with other sellers and other properties in the same region of Costa Rica. There are different beaches in Costa Rica and each one has its own environment. Look around and find one that's right for you. The best of luck in your search for your Buy Ocean Front Property Jaco Beach! Follow your dreams about Buy Ocean Front Property Jaco Beach at: http://www.jacoblu.com costa rica real estate, jaco beach private residence, fractional ownership costa rica, jaco real estate, jaco beach, jaco costa rica real estate for sale, jaco preconstruction sale jaco residences for sale, costa rica real estate jaco beach, real estate in costa rica, real estate for sale in costa rica