
Basic safety Incentive Award for Selfless Individual

www.okawards.comWorkplace safety is mandatory through OSHA (The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration). However, even in the safest of workplaces, injuries occur.So send the Safety Incentive Award to the employees who have to do more than others expect to do on the Workplace safety is important .No matter how aggressive a company?¡¥s safety program, workers must assume some responsibility in following the rules, using only safe equipment and reporting unsafe areas. Safety incentives are used in many workplaces to encourage workers to take the correct measures to stay safe, and to report unsafe practices or work sites.Types of Incentives and AwardsAwards can be gift certificates for local retailers, or a company certificate with a retail gift card. Incentives can also be as straightforward as a office pizza party for completing the quarter accident free. You should make them know the target is not the Safety Incentive Award, it is only the signture. Milestone awards can be given for incremental years including 5, 10 and 20 years. Belt buckles, pins, pen and pencil sets are often given for milestone awards. Instant awards are given ?¡ãon-the-spot?¡À for a job well done. Company coins or a crystal trophiesare often used as an instant reward.Features of Best PracticesgivenexpectRegardless of the incentive type, setting safety goals for employees provides focus. Goals can be individually based such as wearing required safety equipment, like back belts, harnesses and glasses when required. Team goals can be directed toward actual workplace results such as zero accidents in a specific department for a set time frame.Employee participation in accomplishing workplace safety goals can frequently be attained with effective use of incentives and best practices. Not only can the results be achieved, but workplace morale will improve as a result of positive recognition.