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Tutti coi Depeche

Un mesetto fa circa pubblicai una canzone dei Depeche Mode promettendone un'altra a breve.... Ecco... Oggi è il giorno in cui le promesse si mantengono... E anche oggi andiamo su un pezzo decisamente buono. Dall'album "Construction time again" del 1983 eccovi "Everything counts" altro celebre brano della top band in fatto di musica elettronica. Vediamo i vostri riscontri adesso. Buon ascolto e buon venerdì...Everything counts (Depeche Mode)The handshake seals the contract From the contract there's no turning back The turning point of a career In Korea being insincere The holiday was fun-packed The contract, still intact The grabbing hands grab all they can All for themselves - after all The grabbing hands grab all they can All for themselves - after all It's a competitive world Everything counts in large amounts The graph on the wall Tells the story of it all Picture it now See just how The lies and deceit gained a little more power Confidence - taken in By the sunset and a grin The grabbing hands grab all they can All for themselves - after all The grabbing hands grab all they can All for themselves - after all It's a competitive world Everything counts in large amounts Everything counts in large amounts The grabbing hands grab all they can Everything counts in large amounts The grabbing hands grab all they can Everything counts in large amountsEverything everything....everything everything....The grabbing hands grab all they can Everything counts in large amounts The grabbing hands grab all they can Everything counts in large amounts