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Black Sabbath in paranoia

Avviso ai naviganti. Questa settimana per disintossicarmi un po' da rap e Green day ho ricominciato ad ascoltare qualche episodio di DeeGiallo, il programma condotto da Carlo Lucarelli su Radio Deejay. Tante storie belle e tanta bella musica anche un po' inusuale per i miei ascolti standard. Tanto inusuale che la canzone di oggi è un brano del 1973 dei.... Black Sabbath!!! La canzone si intitola "Paranoid" dall'omonimo album. Buon ascolto e buon sabato!! A domani!!!Paranoid (Black Sabbath)Finished with my woman'cause she couldn't help me with my mindPeople think I'm insanebecause I am frowning all the timeAll day long I think of thingsbut nothing seems to satisfyThink I'll lose my mindif I don't find something to pacifyCan you help me, occupy my brain?Oh yeahI need someone to show methe things in life that I can't findI can't see the things that make true happiness,I must be blindMake a joke and I will sighand you will laugh and I will cryHappiness I cannot feel andlove to me is so unrealAnd so as you hear these wordstelling you now of my stateI tell you to enjoy lifeI wish I could but it's too late