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A Elton va tutto bene

Nuovo singolo per Sir Elton John che da queste parti è passato meno di quanto avrebbe dovuto ma vedremo di rimediare prossimamente. Intanto beccatevi il suo nuovo lavoro. Si intitola "Lokking up" e precede di un paio di mesi abbondanti "Wonderful crazy night" il nuovo album di inediti previsto per il 5 febbraio del prossimo anno. Stavolta l'ho ascoltata la novità e non è malaccio. Buon ascolto anche a voi e a domani!Looking up (Elton John)Figuring out where I went wrongThe script not followed, then was awfully longToo much pluck, too little ofThe acting right, not acting upI wore the world upon my backThough someone else could meet, pick up the slackJust because I could sayIt’s my life, do things my wayNow I’m looking up more than I look downThe view’s a whole lot better second time aroundToo much of me was hidden in the shadowsI looked up and felt my feet lift off the groundColor a lot with a broader strokeThe laughter comes as easy as the jokesNowadays, I’m thinking ‘boutTime is wasted looking backNow I’m looking up more than I look downThe view’s a whole lot better second time aroundToo much of me was hidden in the shadowsI looked up and felt my feet lift off the groundYou drop a bucket in a wellIt’s dark and deep down thereCrank the handle, bring it upThe water, crystal clearI’m looking up more than I look downThe view’s a whole lot better second time aroundToo much of me was hidden in the shadowsI looked up and felt my feet lift off the groundI’m looking up more than I look downThe view’s a whole lot better second time aroundToo much of me was hidden in the shadowsI looked up and felt my feet lift off the groundLooking upLooking upLooking upLooking up