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Chiedi agli Smiths

Oggi tocca a Vincent gioire. Ritornano gli Smiths di Morrissey con un brano del 1988 dall'album "Rank". La canzone si intitola "Ask" ed è inutile che vi dica che l'ho sentita a Radio Capital. Con questa radio non sono aggiornatissimo sulle nuove uscite ma a naso mi perdo poco.... In compenso ho recuperato tanti bei pezzi e scoperto diverse cose interessanti anche se non sempre tutti condividono.... Comunque sia.... Buon ascolto e a domani!!!Ask (The Smiths)Shyness is nice, and Shyness can stop you From doing all the things in life You'd like to Shyness is nice, and Shyness can stop you From doing all the things in life You'd like to So, if there's something you'd like to try If there's something you'd like to try ASK ME - I WON'T SAY "NO" - HOW COULD I ? Coyness is nice, and Coyness can stop you From saying all the things in Life you'd like to So, if there's something you'd like to try If there's something you'd like to try ASK ME - I WON'T SAY "NO" - HOW COULD I ? Spending warm Summer days indoors Writing frightening verse To a buck-toothed girl in Luxembourg ASK ME, ASK ME, ASK ME ASK ME, ASK ME, ASK ME Because if it's not Love Then it's the Bomb, the Bomb, the Bomb the Bomb, the Bomb, the Bomb, the Bomb That will bring us together Nature is a language - can't you read ? Nature is a language - can't you read ? SO ... ASK ME, ASK ME, ASK ME ASK ME, ASK ME, ASK ME Because if it's not Love Then it's the Bomb, the Bomb, the Bomb the Bomb, the Bomb, the Bomb, the Bomb That will bring us together If it's not Love Then it's the Bomb Then it's the Bomb That will bring us together SO ... ASK ME, ASK ME, ASK ME ASK ME, ASK ME, ASK ME Oh, la ...