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Troppo per i Genesis

La scorsa settimana Paola Turci è stata direttrice per un giorno a Radio Capital. Sono passate diverse sue canzoni e in certi momenti della giornata ha scelto lei la musica da passare. Uno dei brani scelti è "Many too many" dei Genesis. Brano del 1978 dall'album "And then there were three" il primo con la formazione ridotta a tre elementi e oggi canzone del giorno. Buon ascolto e a domani!Many too many (Genesis)Many too many have stood where I standMany more will stand here tooI think what I find strange is the way you built me upThen knocked me down againThe part was fun but now it's overWhy can't I just leave the stage?Maybe that's because you securely locked me upThen threw away the keyOh mamaPlease would you find the keyOh pretty mamaPlease won't you let me go freeI thought I was luckyI thought that I'd got it madeHow could I be so blind?You said good-bye on a cornerThat I thought led to the straightYou set me on a firmly laid and simple courseThen removed the roadOh mamaPlease help me find my wayOh pretty mamaPlease lead me through the next dayI thought I was luckyOh I thought that I'd got it madeHow could I be so blind? Oh no