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Song from Ikea

Come dice il titolo del post la canzone di oggi arriva da... Ikea. L'ho sentita oggi pomeriggio mentre ero a prendere alcune bricciche e grazie a Shazam ho scoperto titolo e interpreti. Si intitola "The dust on my halo" del gruppo The Vow ed incisa nel 2012 nell'album "For a dreamer". Ancora non ho potuto rispondere ai commenti durante la mia assenza e controllare le nuove uscite di queste tre settimane... Forse nel weekend. Buon ascolto!!The dust on my halo (The Vow)There's dust on my halo.There's dust on my halo.There's a lifelineThat follows me right down the centuriesAnd burns like a quasar within me.If you could see into my soul,There's a darknessThat shines through the dust on my halo.I'm trying to learn how to say "no".Oh, you can see into my soul.But oh my God!Lord of all mercy, why would you desert me?There's no reasonFor learning to think in a straight line.The pleasure and pain would be still mineIf I could see into your soul,Where the truth goes finally fading away now,The light of the moon by the day now -If I could see into your soul.But oh my God!Lord of all mercy, why would you curse me?There's dust on my halo. There's dust on my halo.But oh my God!Lord of all mercy, Why would you desert me?There's a lifelineThat follows me right down the centuriesAnd burns like a quasar within me.If you could see into my soul,Where the truth goes -There's nothing to see or to say now.We might as well all turn away now.Beware of the places we go.Oh. Come on.Oh. Come on.There's dust on my halo. There's dust on my halo.There's dust on my halo. There's dust on my halo.There's dust on my halo. There's dust on my halo.There's dust on my halo. There's dust on my halo.