
La preoccupazione è a mille... Le notizie rimbalzano tra indifferenza e il mutismo di chi potrebbe far trapelare qualcosa ma resta muto... Solo il tamtam del forum della prigione, messaggi dei parenti... Mogli, madri, padri, fratelli, fidanzate che scrivono richieste di aiuto... Vogliono sapere, vogliono capire, chiedono aiuto...Al telefono della prigione risponde un messaggio registrato... the message said there would be no visitation at Avenal on Saturday or Sunday... Le visite sono sospese... Da un'unica telefonata riuscita a fare parlando con un umano, un responsabile del carcere, sembrerebbe che si sia sviluppata una epidemia dovuta ad un virus di tipo simile influenzale...the officer told her that yes all the yards are closed due to sufficient flu like symptoms...Così scrive sul forum uno dei parenti... Ma altri, i familiari che sono riusciti a sentire il loro parente scrivono altro, è terrificante...theres a medical aquartine and when i talked to my husband last tuesday he said everyone on yard 2 where so sick and throwing up...i talked to my husband to night and he said the hole prison was badly sick... valley fever is going around and thats not to far from avenal, im so worried , something needs to be doneFrom what he told me someone has already died at Avenal from the virus....My son called at 7:30 last night, the buildings had all gone to dinner separately, and not all had finished at that time. They are really segregating them...My fiance called yesterday morning, tell in yard 5 meningitis,today he did not call...When my husband called me last night he said don't be surprised if they turn off the phones today and sure enough he hasn't called today. He is on yard 3 and a nurse was calling them in one at a time asking if they had been throwing up or had had diarrhea thank god he hasn't had either. He had also heard it was meningitis but who really knows...I got another call from my man around 6:30 tonight.....he said that there were people from the outside, interviewing every inmate asking if they had been sick, throwing up, the time we were on the phone, they were cleaning and bleaching everything - floors, tables, etc. He did say that he had heard that they were now on quarantine, as well...E su su tutto l'odore di candeggina... Basterà a sconfiggere la meningite, se di ciò si tratta? Chi potrà darci notizie certe e rassicuranti?Quante domande...Troppe...