Chrome 7, iOS make big leaps in web share in November

Chrome 7 and iOS were the biggest winners for web market share in November, NetApplications said. Google's browser was reported as having the second fastest share gain of any individual browser version, jumping 5.64 percent to hit 8.02 percent of all browsers. All of Chrome reached 9.26 percent and widened a lead over Safari, which also gained but at 5.55 percent was still well behind.Internet Explorer continued its ongoing slide to 58.44 percent, and Firefox also dropped to its lowest point in the past year at about 22.76 percent. Chrome may get another boost this month following the launch of Chrome 8. Among operating systems, iOS had the largest gains in the month. Although it only gained a tenth of a point to 1.36 percent, it was still larger than a smaller gain for Linux, which reached 0.93 percent. Windows kept dropping and fell to 90.81 percent, while the Mac mostly recovered lost ground from October at 5.03 percent. NetApplications didn't directly explain the changes, but Google has usually enjoyed a boost to share with every major release and has been attracting Firefox users who prefer the speed. iOS share isn't as clear since Apple is neither close to a recent device release and was only just entering holiday sales that often see an uptick in iOS hardware in users' hands.