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The Knowledge of cheap nike free Losing Extra Fat

The Knowledge of cheap nike free Losing Extra FatWe could obtain the close relationship between the weight and the health from the study of Alameda, California ten years ago. Researchers asked a series of questions to six thousand and nine hundred and twenty-eight adults, then estimated their past and the health condition at present, and realized their habits of diet, sleep, smoking, drinking and exercise. They compared the answers of the two sets of questions. The researchers informed
that, It had an obvious relationship between overweight and the poor health, especially overweight was more. The nike free sale health status of the man whose weight was below five percent of the standard and overweight 19.99 percent was the best. The woman whose weight was below the standard and overweight less than ten percent was slightly healthier than the ordinary people.Although the human body was complex, it was very simple in one respect. It was a precise calorie meter. It recorded the case of the calories of your body with the same as your deposits the bank recorded. If you deposited more calories than consuming, your weight would rise. You would reduce weight if you deposited less calories than consuming. So, you had to eat less and exercise more if you wanted to reduce weight, or doing the two sides together.Strangely, the effect of the first possibility was minimal. Dr. Grant Gwen Earp, University of California, said that it was unavailing if you wanted to lose weight only on diet.So, he decided to do exercises only as a Nike Free Run 3 online sale test. He selected eleven overweight women whose weight was between one hundred and thirty-four pounds and two hundred and eighteen pounds, some of them were fat in all their born days. These people all went on a diet in the past, yet its result was of short duration. Gwen Earp did not let them change their diet, but they should walk fast for thirty minutes or more every day after doing the normal things. After doing these, the weight was reduced twenty-two pounds on average in the first year.W S Dr. Judy and L A Dr. Gerald Golding began to another study. The objects of the study were the women whose age was from twenty-five or twenty-six to forty-five or forty-six. There were forty pounds overweight for them. These women were divided into three groups. On the basis of the study's regulation, the three groups adopted different ways to reduce five hundred calories every day. The method of the first group was dieting, the second group did the exercises only, the third group did the exercises and went on a diet together. Sixteen weeks later, Their reduced weight were eleven point seven pounds, ten point six pounds and twelve pounds. Though the third group reduced more than the other two groups, the difference was not significant in the terms of statistics. The most significant meaning was that, compared the third group with the other two groups, the third group had more reduction of the fat and increase of the fat-free tissue. Judy and Gerald Golding summarized that, on the basis of the data, we advised that you should reduce absorbing the calories and take some sports, if you wanted to lose weight.we recommended that if you wanted to lose weight, you must reduce the calorie absorption and do the exercises. SKO Nike Free or SKO Nike Free Run can cheap nike free run be fine choice for womens.