At this point, I honestly thought that I had seen everything the gucci handbag had to show me. Yes, it’s a great everyday bag. I’ll never deny that. But I’ve seen it in so many leather, colors patterns and other materials that I didn’t expect to be surprised by it any more. I was wrong.Never doubt the ability for a resourceful brand to have one more trick up its sleeve when you least expect it, and this time, that trick is luscious soft calf leather in the shade of blue that I imagine the sky would be on the most perfect evening in the history of weather. Somehow, Mulberry managed to wrangle that color and put it on a gucci handbag, and for that, I salute handbag It’s just so…pretty. And the texture of this leather is so soft and chewy, which sort of feels like a revelation to me. Normally I shy away from bags like this because the leather tends to be stiffer and more structured (not to mention shiny, ick), but with this treatment, it looks as soft and touchable as anything in my closet. With any luck, I’ll be touching one soon.Lv Handbagcoach handbagcoach handbags
I can't resist the gucci handbag
At this point, I honestly thought that I had seen everything the gucci handbag had to show me. Yes, it’s a great everyday bag. I’ll never deny that. But I’ve seen it in so many leather, colors patterns and other materials that I didn’t expect to be surprised by it any more. I was wrong.Never doubt the ability for a resourceful brand to have one more trick up its sleeve when you least expect it, and this time, that trick is luscious soft calf leather in the shade of blue that I imagine the sky would be on the most perfect evening in the history of weather. Somehow, Mulberry managed to wrangle that color and put it on a gucci handbag, and for that, I salute handbag It’s just so…pretty. And the texture of this leather is so soft and chewy, which sort of feels like a revelation to me. Normally I shy away from bags like this because the leather tends to be stiffer and more structured (not to mention shiny, ick), but with this treatment, it looks as soft and touchable as anything in my closet. With any luck, I’ll be touching one soon.Lv Handbagcoach handbagcoach handbags