II Parte 9.Walking

 Sir Francis Head, un viaggiatore inglese e Governatore del Canada, afferma che "in both the northern and southern hemispheres of the New World, Nature has not only outlined her works on a larger scale, but has painted the whole picture with brighter and more costly colors than she used in delineating and in beautifying the Old World.... The heavens of America appear infinitely higher, the sky is bluer, the air is fresher, the cold is intenser, the moon looks larger, the stars are brighter the thunder is louder, the lightning is vivider, the wind is stronger, the rain is heavier, the mountains are higher, the rivers longer, the forests bigger, the plains broader."Questa dichiarazione sarà almeno un motivo per contrastare la descrizione lasciataci da Buffon di questa parte del mondo e delle sue meraviglie.