Creato da lunaspina_66 il 14/03/2006
Tu chiamale se vuoi, emozioni...

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Lo splendore dell'amicizia
non è la mano tesa
né il sorriso gentile
né la gioia della compagnia:
è l'ispirazione spirituale
quando scopriamo
che qualcuno crede in noi
ed è disposto a fidarsi di noi.

[Ralph Waldo Emerson]

Abbiamo imparato a volare come gli uccelli,
a nuotare come i pesci,
ma non abbiamo imparato a vivere come fratelli.

[Martin Luther King]




Fra i rumori della folla ce ne stiamo noi due,
felici di essere insieme, parlando poco,
forse nemmeno una parola



Vorrei essere sempre per te, vita, come il fiore, che durante la notte dal sogno infinito di tesori delle sue foglie chiuse, dona, in un momento, aprendosi col giorno, tutta l'essenza del suo sogno!

[J. R. Jimenez] 


Amici a 4 zampe

Ogni  anno  in  prossimità  delle vacanze e non solo si ripete il fenomeno dell'abbandono. Cani, gatti, conigli e tanti altri animali diventati scomodi vengono abbandonati al loro destino...Come un pupazzo che non serve più che da fastidio alcune persone se ne liberano non sapendo o facendo finta di non sapere il male che fanno a questi poveri esseri indifesi. Lasciati soli al loro destino la maggior parte di essi non riesce a raggiungere l'anno di vita randagia. Abbandonati al loro destino dopo che hanno conosciuto il calore di una casa, la ciotola piena di cibo, l'affetto magari dei bimbi, si ritrovano soli e impauriti a cercare di tentar di sopravvivere. Alcuni saranno fortunati perché magari raccolti da un anima buona, ma per la maggior parte di essi, ABBANDONO equivale a MORTE certa.



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Domani 21/04.09 - Artisti Uniti per l'Abruzzo

Post n°381 pubblicato il 07 Maggio 2009 da lunaspina_66

Una canzone di circa  6 minuti  cantata  da  56  artisti  italiani per esprimere il loro aiuto all’Abruzzo colpito dal terremoto. Il messaggio di speranza della musica italiana passa per il progetto “Domani 21/04.2009”, brano in onda dalle 3.30 della scorsa notte - la stessa della prima scossa del sisma che un mese fa ha colpito L’Aquila - in tutte le radio nazionali. Capitanata da Jovanotti e Giuliano Sangiorgi dei Negramaro, l’iniziativa è nata dal tam tam telefonico a cui hanno risposto ora dopo ora i nomi più celebri della musica italiana. Da Ligabue a Tiziano Ferro passando per Battiato, Zucchero, Laura Pausini, Giorgia, Elisa, Antonello Venditti fino ai rapper J Ax, Marracash e Fabri Fibra, tutti hanno voluto partecipare all’appello per raccogliere fondi in favore della ricostruzione del conservatorio Alfredo Casella e del teatro dell’Aquila. Il disco sarà in vendita da venerdì negli store digitali e in tutti i negozi dal 15 maggio. E in attesa dell’uscita di quello che già è stato ribattezzato il “We are the world” italiano, Jovanotti lancia una sfida: riuscire a «vendere un milione di cd e altrettanti file digitali». Il progetto, racconta il cantautore toscano, «è nato nell’urgenza, in tre giorni, da un sentimento che affiora quando un tuo simile è in difficoltà. Ma è stato realizzato con estrema cura». Tutto il gotha della musica si è alternato senza sosta alle Officine Meccaniche di Milano, lo studio di registrazione di Pagani produttore e autore del brano. Chi una strofa, alcuni un ritornello, ognuno ha messo del suo per aderire alla solidale iniziativa. «Quasi 60 persone dovevano cantare 30 righe di canzone», ha spiegato Lorenzo, «qualcuno ha qualche riga in più. Ma nessuno ha posto limiti». Il risultato di quella «giornata onirica», come l’ha definita Sangiorgi, è stato anche un videoclip di 30 ore di girato da cui sono stati selezionati 6 minuti. «Spero che questa cosa più avanti possa diventare anche un concerto», ha annunciato Jovanotti che non ha fatto nessun accenno a chi invece non ha accettato l’invito, come Biagio Antonacci, Eros Ramazzotti, Renato Zero e Fiorella Mannoia, a Milano in quei giorni. E la Caselli, che con la sua Sugar ha prodotto il disco, parla di «missione impossibile diventata possibile». Il prossimo passo per gli artisti uniti per l’Abruzzo sarà un libro, al quale sta già lavorando il premio Strega Paolo Giordano. (fonte internet)

"DOMANI 21/04.2009" è stato registrato in un solo giorno, il 21 aprile 2009, in un solo luogo, le Officine Meccaniche Recording Studios di Milano. Tutti gli artisti e le persone coinvolte hanno partecipato al progetto a titolo gratuito. "DOMANI 21/04.2009" è un'iniziativa autonoma nell'ambito della campagna "SALVIAMO L'ARTE IN ABRUZZO".

Attraverso la raccolta fondi promossa sul conto corrente:
n°95882221, IBAN: IT-85-X-07601-03200-000095882221
CODICE BIC o SWIFT: BPPIITRRXXX - causale "Domani 21-04-09"

Il progetto si propone di sostenere gli interventi di ricostruzione, consolidamento e restauro del Conservatorio "Alfredo Casella" e della sede del Teatro Stabile d'Abruzzo dell'Aquila colpiti dal sisma.





DOMANI 21/04.09 - Artisti Uniti per l'Abruzzo

Tra le nuvole e i sassi/ passano i sogni di tutti (Ligabue)
passa il sole ogni giorno/ senza mai tardare. (Tiziano Ferro)
Dove sarò domani? (Enrico Ruggeri)
Dove sarò? (Gianni Morandi)
Tra le nuvole e il mare/ c’è una stazione di posta (Franco Battiato)
uno straccio di stella messa lì a consolare (Massimo Ranieri)
sul sentiero infinito (Max Pezzali)
del maestrale (Eugenio Finardi)
Day by day (Zucchero)
Day by day (Cesare Cremonini)
hold me/ shine on me. (Zucchero)
shine on me (Cesare Cremonini)
Day by day save me shine on me (Zucchero, Carmen Consoli, Mauro Pagani, Cesare Cremonini, Eugenio Finardi)
Ma domani, domani,/ domani, lo so (Francesco Renga)
Lo so che si passa il confine, (Roberto Vecchioni)
E di nuovo la vita (Mauro Pagani)
sembra fatta per te (Giuliano Palma)
e comincia (Elio)
domani (Elio e Le Storie Tese, Vittorio Cosma)
domani è già qui (Jovanotti)

rap 1 Estraggo un foglio nella risma nascosto
scrivo e non riesco forse perché il sisma mha scosso (Caparezza)

rap 2 Ogni vita che salvi, ogni pietra che poggi, fa pensare a domani ma puoi farlo solo oggi (Frankie Hi NRG)

e la vita la vita si fa grande così (Gianluca Grignani)
e comincia domani (Giuliano Sangiorgi)
Tra le nuvole e il mare si può fare e rifare (Claudio Baglioni)
con un pò di fortuna (Ron)
si può dimenticare. (Luca Carboni)
Dove sarò (Baustelle)
domani? Dove sarò? (Samuele Bersani e Baustelle)
oh oh oh (coro: Carmen Consoli, Antonella Ruggiero, Alioscia, Pacifico, Mango, Massimo Ranieri, Bluvertigo, Nek, Giuliano Palma, Antonello Venditti, Roberto Vecchioni, Albano)

rap 3 Dove sarò domani che ne sarà dei miei sogni infranti, dei miei piani/ Dove sarò domani, tendimi le mani, tendimi le mani (Marracash)

Tra le nuvole e il mare
si può andare e andare (Laura Pausini)
sulla scia delle navi
di là del temporale (Carmen Consoli)
e qualche volta si vede (Nek)
domani (Antonello Venditti)
una luce di prua (Nek)
e qualcuno grida: Domani (Antonello Venditti)

rap 4 Come laquila che vola
libera tra il cielo e i sassi siamo sempre diversi e siamo sempre gli stessi
hai fatto il massimo e il massimo non è bastato e non sapevi piangere e adesso
che hai imparato non bastano le lacrime ad impastare il calcestruzzo
eccoci qua cittadini dAbruzzo
e aumentano dintensità le lampadine una frazione di
secondo prima della finee la tua mamma,
la tua patria da ricostruire,
comu le scole, le case e specialmente lu core
e puru nu postu cu facimu lamore (Jovanotti, J Ax, Fabri Fibra e in chiusura Sud Sound System)

non siamo così soli (Giuliano Sangiorgi)
a fare castelli in aria (J Ax e Fabri Fibra)
non siamo così soli (Giuliano Sangiorgi)
sulla stessa barca (J Ax , Fabri Fibra)
non siamo così soli (Giorgia)
a fare castelli in aria (J Ax e Fabri Fibra)
non siamo così soli (Giorgia)
a stare bene in Italia (J Ax e Fabri Fibra)
sulla stessa barca (J Ax)
a immaginare un nuovo giorno in Italia (Giorgia, Giusy Ferreri, Dolcenera, Mario Venuti, Jovanotti, J Ax, Fabri Fibra)
Tra le nuvole e il mare si può andare, andare
Sulla scia delle navi di là dal temporale (Piero Pelù)
Qualche volta si vede una luce di prua e qualcuno grida, domani (Morgan)
Non siamo così soli (Giorgia, Mario Venuti, Giusy Ferreri, Dolcenera, Giuliano Sangiorgi)

(tromba solo di Roy Paci)

Domani è già qui
Domani è già qui (Jovanotti, Marracash, FabriFibra, J Ax)

(Assolo violino Mauro Pagani)

Ma domani domani, domani lo so, lo so, che si passa il confine (Gianna Nannini)
E di nuovo la vita sembra fatta per te e comincia (Elisa) domani (Sud Sound System)
Tra le nuvole e il mare, si può fare e rifare
Con un pò di fortuna si può dimenticare (Manuel Agnelli Afterhours)
E di nuovo la vita, sembra fatta per te (Mango)
E comincia (Niccolò Fabi)

(coro finale)
E domani domani, domani lo so
Lo so che si passa il confine
E di nuovo la vita sembra fatta per te
E comincia domani

(Manuel Agnelli, Dolcenera, Zucchero, Niccolò Fabi, Pacifico, Giusy Ferreri, Alioscia, Pacifico, Max Pezzali, Caparezza, Niccolò Agliardi, Luca Carboni, Roy Paci, Tricarico, Ron, Giuliano Sangiorgi, negramaro, Negrita, Giorgia, Francesco Renga, Malika Ayane, Laura Pausini, Morgan, Jovanotti, Massimo Ranieri, Nek, Enrico Ruggeri, Piero Pelù, Antonello Venditti, Roberto Vecchioni, Carmen Consoli, Mango, Cesare Cremonini, Saturnino)

Domani è già qui, domani è già qui (Jovanotti) 


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cherubinoo il 07/05/09 alle 11:18 via WEB
bellissima :)
panpanpi il 09/05/09 alle 16:36 via WEB
la trovo un'iniziativa strepitosa: spero frutti davvero tanto. buon fine settimana :)
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bamboo furniture il 09/09/11 alle 11:09 via WEB
ratchet tiedown booster cable booster cable power cord trouble light bar stools bar chairs bar table leather sofa floor jack hydraulic jack jack stands jack stand hydraulic jacks hydraulic bottle jack Base cap booster cables booster cable battery cable dress bag shelf hanging organizer non-woven fabric glass bottle dust mask dust maskss Protective mask Protective masks Medical mask power strips extension cords power socket crystal trophy crystal gifts crystal laser crystal products china crystal crystal box beach umbrella golf umbrella folding umbrella children umbrella lover special umbrella Umbrella Company Umbrella manufacturers in China Outdoor umbrella Garden umbrella Fold umbrella Advertising umbrella Straight umbrella Promotion umbrella Printed umbrella Ladies umbrella Mini umbrella crystal bottle stopper crystal pyramids crystal horses crystal gift baby crystal gift clock crystal gift decoration crystal car model crystal diamond keychain LED crystal keychain crystal ship model crystal cooperate trophy crystal customized trophy crystal award cup crystal business gift crystal medal crystal model truck crystal truck model solar water heater buyer vacuum tube solar water heater solar water heater distributor buy solar water heater china solar water heater solar water heater china solar water heater factory solar water heater manufacturer solar water heater supplier solar water heater importer china solar energy solar energy china solar energy factory solar energy manufacturer solar energy supplier solar energy importer solar energy company solar energy in china china solar collectors solar collectors china solar collectors factory solar collectors manufacturer solar collectors supplier solar collectors importer power strips booster cable extension cords power strip extension cord trouble light power strip glue gun booster cable pvc panel pvc ceiling pvc door ceiling panel wall panel china pvc panel china pvc ceiling china pvc door china ceiling panel china wall panel pvc panel manufacturers pvc ceiling manufacturers pvc door manufacturers ceiling panel manufacturers wall panel manufacturers pvc panel suppliers pvc ceiling suppliers pvc door suppliers ceiling panel suppliers wall panel suppliers Decorative panel PVC wall panels PVC panels PVC wall panel PVC ceiling panel Wall cladding Wall panels PVC doors Ceiling panel Ceiling panels False ceiling Suspended ceiling Ceiling board Interior doors China digital thermometer China clinical thermometer China ear thermometer China digital blood pressure monitor China digital thermometer manufacturer China clinical thermometer manufacturer China medical thermometer manufacturer China rapid thermometer China ear thermometer manufacturer China digital blood pressure monitor manufacturer China digital sphygmomanometer manufacturer China digital sphygmomanometer China forehead thermometer manufacturer China infrared forehead thermometer China infrared ear thermometer China upper arm blood pressure monitor China basal thermometer manufacturer China automatic digital blood pressure monitor bouncy balls promotional gifts toys promotional gifts bathroom vanity bathroom vanity cabinets china bathroom cabinet bathroom cabinet manufacturers crystal gifts crystal beads crystal lamp crystal ball crystal downlight crystal spotlight crystal ceiling light crystal ceiling lamps crystal chandelier china crystal ashtrays crystal candle holder 3D laser crystal crystal figurines crystal image china crystal vases china crystal knob crystal christmas tree crystal craft manufacturer crystal paperweights china crystal trophy crystal lighting fittings crystal tile crystal perfume bottles crystal office supplies bamboo furniture bamboo kitchen bamboo flooring recliner sectional sofa bottle jack air jack shop press bushing brass bushing paper napkins paper tissue digital thermometer clinical thermometer ear thermometer digital blood pressure monitor shop crane Chimney hoods power strip Christmas Lamp glue gun Well Socket Battery clip Booster cables Car wash brush Clothes hangers Electric socket Power board Power cable Power cord Power socket Power strips Ratchet straps Ratchet tiedowm Solar lighting Soldering irons
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bamboo furniture il 28/11/11 alle 02:36 via WEB
reflective film reflective sheeting reflective fabric reflective material High Refractive Glass Beads High Refractive Index Glass Beads dinning chairs paper napkins paper tissue leisure chair bar stools bar chairs bar table pub stools pub chairs knit scarf knit hat knitted shawl power strip extension cord Polycarbonate sheets Polycarbonate sheet pc sheet Polycarbonate panels Polycarbonate sheeting Polycarbonate greenhouse lexan sheets pad lock gun lock cable lock car clock power socket standby killer children cars ride on cars kids tricycle children tricycles baby tricycle kid tricycles tricycle for adults tricycle?baby tricycle?for?toddler tricycle adult electric ride on cars tricycles for toddlers baby trikes trike for toddlers tricycles for sale tricycle baby trikes kid tricycle trike kid tricycle for 2 year old battery powered ride on cars trikes for boys trike for 2 year old ride on cars for toddlers used adult tricycles tricycle for 3 year old tricycles for 3 year olds trike for 1 year old trike bikes for kids tricycle baby bike tricycle bikes for kids tricycles for disabled children tricycles for older children ride on cars china baby tricycle china china children cars children cars china children cars supplier children cars manufacturer china ride on cars ride on cars supplier ride on cars manufacturer china kids tricycle kids tricycle china kids tricycle supplier kids tricycle manufacturer china children tricycles children tricycles china children tricycles supplier children tricycles manufacturer china baby tricycle baby tricycle supplier baby tricycle manufacturer china kid tricycles kid tricycles china kid tricycles supplier kid tricycles manufacturer ride on children car ride on car pedal karts pedal go kart pedal go karts electric jeep go kart pedals adult go karts adult go kart cool go karts adult pedal car adult pedal cars adult pedal kart metal pedal cars pedal karts for kids kids pedal go karts kids pedal go kart adult pedal go kart pedal go karts for kids pedal cars for adults kid electric cars electric kid cars adult pedal go karts electric childs car child electric car berg pedal go karts pedal karts for adults pedal go karts for adults pedal go kart parts pedal go kart for adults go kart pedal car children car china pedal powered go kart ride on car china ride on car manufacturer pink pedal go kart pedal go kart china pedal go karts china china children car children car supplier children car manufacturer china pedal karts pedal karts china pedal karts supplier pedal karts manufacturer china ride on car ride on car supplier china ride on ride on china ride on supplier ride on manufacturer christmas tree china christmas tree china christmas garland pine needle tree prelit christmas trees china christmas trees christmas tree shop christmas tree decoration china christmas wreaths artificial christmas tree white christmas tree bamboo furniture bamboo kitchen bamboo flooring recliner sectional sofa bottle jack air jack shop press bushing brass bushing digital thermometer clinical thermometer ear thermometer digital blood pressure monitor shop crane Chimney hoods power strip Christmas Lamp glue gun Well Socket Battery clip Booster cables Car wash brush Clothes hangers Electric socket Power board Power cable Power cord Power socket Power strips Ratchet straps Ratchet tiedowm Solar lighting Soldering irons POP clip POP frame POP display stand data strip price holder Sign holder Display stand pop display poster stand Metal display stand frame stand Sign board Flip Chart Digital display board Price ticket board price sign board Plastic clip pop display clip plastic holder price holder shelf talker display wobbler pvc card acrylic display stand acrylic menue holder supermarket equipment advertising equipment Store display track plastic frame poster frame sign frame display frame price frame poster display poster pole magnetic base magnetic stand magnetic display price tag price bar Hanging clip strip pvc cover PVC pocket card holder S hook Plastic hook Promotion card Poster holder ferrite core ferrite cores magnetic core magnetic cores magnetic ring magnetic rings ferrite magnet soft magnet magnet magnetic soft magnetic ferrite core EMI magnetic ferrite core Ni-Zn ferrite core factories SMD ferrite core ferrite rod core ferrite bead core ferrite drum core soft ferrite core seller soft toroidal ferrite core manufacturer ring magnetic ferrite core supplier soft magnetic ferrite core magnetic bead core SMD magnetic ferrite core magnetic drum core magnetic rod core magnetic products suppliers magnetic rings factories magnetic toroidal core manufacturer magnetic EMI ferrite core seller Solar Water Heater Solar Collector solar energy heater solar hot water instant water heater solar hot water systems solar project solar energy system solar water heating Solar Information solar heater solar energy water heater solar system solar heating solar geysers solar project system solar hot water system solar geyser hot water heater home solar solar product Solar water heater Solar water heating Solar heater Solar hot water system Solar collector Solar heating Solar water heater china Solar water heater manufacturer Solar water heater supplier Solar water heaters Solar water heater factory Solar water heating china Solar water heating manufacturer Solar water heating supplier Solar water heatings Solar water heating factory Solar heater china Solar heater manufacturer Solar heater supplier Solar heaters Solar heater factory Solar hot water system china Solar hot water system manufacturer Solar hot water system supplier Solar hot water systems Solar hot water system factory Solar collector chin
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bamboo furniture il 29/12/11 alle 04:20 via WEB
children cars ride on cars kids tricycle children tricycles baby tricycle kid tricycles tricycle for adults tricycle?baby tricycle?for?toddler tricycle adult electric ride on cars tricycles for toddlers baby trikes trike for toddlers tricycles for sale tricycle baby trikes kid tricycle trike kid tricycle for 2 year old battery powered ride on cars trikes for boys trike for 2 year old ride on cars for toddlers used adult tricycles tricycle for 3 year old tricycles for 3 year olds trike for 1 year old trike bikes for kids tricycle baby bike tricycle bikes for kids tricycles for disabled children tricycles for older children ride on cars china baby tricycle china china children cars children cars china children cars supplier children cars manufacturer china ride on cars ride on cars supplier ride on cars manufacturer china kids tricycle kids tricycle china kids tricycle supplier kids tricycle manufacturer china children tricycles children tricycles china children tricycles supplier children tricycles manufacturer china baby tricycle baby tricycle supplier baby tricycle manufacturer china kid tricycles kid tricycles china kid tricycles supplier kid tricycles manufacturer ride on children car ride on car pedal karts pedal go kart pedal go karts electric jeep go kart pedals adult go karts adult go kart cool go karts adult pedal car adult pedal cars adult pedal kart metal pedal cars pedal karts for kids kids pedal go karts kids pedal go kart adult pedal go kart pedal go karts for kids pedal cars for adults kid electric cars electric kid cars adult pedal go karts electric childs car child electric car berg pedal go karts pedal karts for adults pedal go karts for adults pedal go kart parts pedal go kart for adults go kart pedal car children car china pedal powered go kart ride on car china ride on car manufacturer pink pedal go kart pedal go kart china pedal go karts china china children car children car supplier children car manufacturer china pedal karts pedal karts china pedal karts supplier pedal karts manufacturer china ride on car ride on car supplier china ride on ride on china ride on supplier ride on manufacturer christmas tree china christmas tree china christmas garland pine needle tree prelit christmas trees china christmas trees christmas tree shop christmas tree decoration china christmas wreaths artificial christmas tree white christmas tree
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bamboo furniture il 29/12/11 alle 04:22 via WEB
Swivel Coupler Swivel ClamP scaffold coupler girder clamp Pressed Steel Couplers Double Coupler scaffolding fittings Pressed Double Coupler Pressed Swivel Coupler scaffolding coupler suppliers Pressed Steel Double Coupler Pressed Steel Swivel Coupler combination double coupler combination swivel coupler pressed double coupler manufacturers pressed double coupler suppliers scaffolding Clamp Scaffolding Clamps Scaffolding Accessories scaffolding fittings scaffolding couplers Industrial clamps Scaffold Couplers scaffolding equipment steel scaffolding scaffolding accessories manufacturers scaffolding accessories distributors scaffolding exporters masonry scaffolding accessories scaffolding coupler suppliers scaffolding system Pressed Scaffolding Fittings Aluminum scaffolding accessories Construction scaffolding accessories Steel scaffolding fittings scaffolding swivel clamp tube clamps suppliers distributor of tube clamps aluminium tube clamps Swivel Clamps Galvanized Scaffolding swivel coupler suppliers swivel coupler manufacturers scaffold coupler suppliers scaffold coupler manufacturers eas eas tag security tags Electronic article surveillance eas product eas antennas eas rf labels eas soft tag EAS System China Eas Manufacturers eas lanyards Eas accessories eas plastic tag eas tag factory eas hard tag Eas am tag eas rf tag eas em tag Electronic article surveillance factory Eas anti-theft tag eas anti-theft systems Eas garment tag eas rf buckle eas am labels heat pipe solar hot water heater solar hot water tanks vacuum tube solar water heater solar home system solar heating system compact solar water heater vacuum tubes solar water heater solar water heat evacuated tube solar water heater non-pressure solar water heater rooftop solar water heater unpressurized solar water heater solar evacuated tube collector domestic solar hot water heaters homemade solar collector solar hot water heaters solar powered water heater solar power water heater pressure solar water heater solar geysers water heaters copper coil solar water heater vacuum solar collector swimming pool solar water heater solar collector system solar water heater collector solar energy collector vacuum tube collector vacuum tube collectors solar thermal collector solar thermal collectors solar water collector thermal solar collector solar heating collectors solar collector tube solar water heater system vacuum tube solar collector solar water heating system evacuated tube collector solar thermal system solar vacuum tube collector solar hot water collector heat pipe solar collector solar water collectors heat pipe collector heat pipe collectors solar heating collector evacuated tube solar collector solar energy collectors solar heat collectors solar collector inc solar tube collector solar collector heat solar heat pipe collector pressurized solar collector pressure solar collector evacuated tube solar thermal collector solar heater collector solar water heater tanks split solar water heater split pressurized solar water heater separated pressurized solar split pressure solar water heater separated solar water heater pressure water heater pressurized solar water heater solar collector water heater solar energy product heat pipe solar water heater solar energy water heater solar heat pipe solar pipe compact pressurized solar water heater office chairs Chair office Office desk Human massage chair Sofa set Steel framed chair Chairs for office Chairs office Desk chair Office furniture chairs Computer chair Ergonomic chairs Mesh chair Conference chair Reception chair Office executive desk Computer desk Staff table Conference table Reception table Old chair Portable massage chair Massage chair sale Reclining massage chair Massage office chair Vibration massage chair Sofa set manufacturer Recline sofa Sofa furniture sale sofa company Sofa bed company Functional sofa student chair bentwood chairs folding chair typist chair metal chairs Steel wooden chair Plastic steel chair Steel bentwood chair Training chair bentwood dining chair plastic school chairs school desk and chair steel dining chair dining chair brass pad lock Solid Bronze Bushing Sintered Bronze Bushing Bronze Bar Cast Bronze Sleeve Impregnate Bearing Self-Lubricating Bearing Sintered Bronze Bush Sintered Iron Bush Graphite Filled Bushing Aluminum Bronze Bushing Gun Metal Bushing Bronze Bearings Bimetallic Materials Metal-Polymer Materials Sliding Bearing Dx bushing VDI guide element Guide pillar guide bushing NAAMS Pad Bushings Guided Ejector Bushings Guide Components wear plate SMC wear plate NAAMS wear plates JIS wear plates-metric VDI wear plates-Metric China manufacturer guide components bushings available in a variety of copper alloys Bimetallic Materials bronze bearings CENTRIFUGAL CAST BRONZE cast bronze sleeve Centrifugal Cast Continuous Cast dry plain bearing graphite filled bronze bushing Graphite Parts gunmetal Bronze bushing Impregnate bearing Iron sintered bearing MADE TO ORDER COPPER ALLOYS Metal-Polymer Materials Monometallic Materials phosphor Bronze bushing self-lubricating bearing sintered bronze bearing sintered bronze bushing solid bronze bushing special machine parts
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bamboo furniture il 05/07/12 alle 07:09 via WEB
mesh chair bar chair leither chair office furniture chairs computer chair China mesh chair executive mesh chair office chair manufacturers office conference chairs mesh computer chair cool office chairs executive swivel chair funky office chairs reclining executive chair microfiber executive chair bucket seat office chair conference chairs for sale China bar chair Bar chair manufacturers padded bar stools seagrass bar stools italian bar stools low bar stools breakfast bar chairs clearance bar stools bar stool clearance adjustable height bar stools plastic bar stools french country bar stools pine bar stools white leather bar stools luxury bar stools high back bar stools tractor seat bar stools cool bar stools pink bar stools bar chairs with backs leather bar stools with backs lucite bar stools kitchen breakfast bar stools lime green bar stools elegant bar stools breakfast bar stools and chairs antique white bar stools contemporary italian bar stools brushed nickel bar stools 30 inch bar stools with back horse saddle bar stools bar stool chair pads home decorators bar stools China leither chair leither chair manufacturers weave fabric sofa fabric furniture fabric lining cloth fabric supplier British standard fire-retardant sofa cloth weave fabric manufacturers china weave fabric weave fabric supplier sofa fabric manufacturers china sofa fabric sofa fabric supplier furniture fabric manufacturers china furniture fabric furniture fabric supplier lining cloth manufacturers china lining cloth lining cloth supplier china fabric supplier British standard fire-retardant sofa cloth manufacturers china British standard fire-retardant sofa cloth British standard fire-retardant sofa cloth supplier bandage elastic bandage gauze bandage cotton roll self-adhesive bandage plaster bandage pop bandage china bandage bandage factory bandage supplier bandage manufacture china elastic bandage elastic bandage factory elastic bandage supplier elastic bandage manufacture china gauze 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battery Manufacturer ebikes battery factory ebikes battery Wholesalers flexible cable electrical wire lan cable sprocket chain sprocket special sprocket spur gear conveyor chain sprocket manufacturer Chinese sprocket manufacture sprocket producers Locking Assembly manufacturer chain sprocket manufacturer Chinese chain sprocket manufacture Pulley manufacturer special sprocket manufacturer Chinese special sprocket manufacture special sprocket producers Coupling manufacturer spur gear manufacturer Chinese spur gear manufacture spur gear producers Shaft Collar manufacturer conveyor chain manufacturer Chinese conveyor chain manufacture conveyor chain producers Brakes and clutch manufacturer adhesive tape packing tape insulating tape bag sealing tape Adhesive tape factory China adhesive tape Adhesive tape products Special adhesive tape Adhesive tape manufactory Bopp adhesive tape Bopp paking tape Printing adhesive tape Stationary tape Bopp jumbo rolls Electrical insulating tape Electrical 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solar water heater solar collector Shower Cabin Massage Bathtub Jacuzzi Bathtub Whirlpoor Bathtub Shower Rooms Shower Cabins Shower Enclosures Massage Bathtubs Jacuzzi Bathtubs Steam shower Room Steam shower Rooms Simple shower room China Sanitary Ware Shower Room Suppliers Shower Enclosure Manufacturers China Shower Enclosure power strips extension cords power socket
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bamboo furniture il 05/07/12 alle 07:10 via WEB
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evacuated tube collector solar thermal system solar vacuum tube collector solar hot water collector heat pipe solar collector solar water collectors heat pipe collector heat pipe collectors solar heating collector evacuated tube solar collector solar energy collectors solar heat collectors solar collector inc solar tube collector solar collector heat solar heat pipe collector pressurized solar collector pressure solar collector evacuated tube solar thermal collector solar heater collector solar water heater tanks split solar water heater split pressurized solar water heater separated pressurized solar split pressure solar water heater separated solar water heater pressure water heater pressurized solar water heater solar collector water heater solar energy product heat pipe solar water heater solar energy water heater solar heat pipe solar pipe compact pressurized solar water heater office chairs Chair office Office desk Human massage chair Sofa set Steel framed chair Chairs for office 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Brake calipers Brake cylinder Bmw parts Brake discs <a href="
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Senza la fantasia, senza la capacità di sognare,

senza la poesia, siamo solo degli uomini.

Con la fantasia e la poesia possiamo invece volare

o perlomeno sollevarci da terra quel tanto

che basta per sentirci qualcosa di più.

[R. Battaglia]

La fantasia fa parte di noi
come la ragione:
guardare dentro la fantasia
è un modo come un altro
per guardare dentro noi stessi.

[Gianni Rodari]


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