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Post n°59 pubblicato il 08 Giugno 2009 da jhwhinri



humanumgenus (6 giorni fa)
ministero 7/8]as the circumstances are bringing all of us to be more: bad, selfish and materialistic, and are getting worse of every day!You made a covenant with death? is that right now you will have to eat the fruit! then, you have to die in despair very soon and let the world at all which are men by: 1- goodwill and 2- operators of Justice! One fact is indisputable: because many great scientists and philosophers of his story, that have discovered this rational metaphysics and scientific always were all forced to oblivion! forced to silenced during all the Modern history of seigniorage bank? Why the monopoly of Judeo-Freemasonry has crushed with financial corruption and the manipulation of financing all the discoveries of philosophers such as Pascal, Maritain, etc. Why is the Church of Christ has been so blindly in the face of this threat? Peace and Joy to you.
humanumgenus (6 giorni fa)
ministero 8/8]Distressing punishment on the rebels in the name of Jesus in these terrible moments, that we like so many chickens we are waiting passively and unconscious of what is about to fall on the world. You do "copy - paste" and Spread those messages that like most to you!But the quality most devastating that has a man metaphysic is that he is not required to prove the culpability of those which addresses whit allegations. But it is they who must demonstrate the their innocence at the opinion of him. The high moral and spiritual of the man metaphysic, that this is really in the intimacy of his dignity. But when him receives a universally recognized. This is the highlight of a level so high, compared to all other men selfish. What are they that their have the need to be credited by him.This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
humanumgenus (6 giorni fa)
ministero 1/8] The power exuberant and unpredictable of this ministry is initiated of one month and has already impressed the world as myself! So, I can not have more time to write to you as before! Now, I am more committed because they are many in those that make me any questions, to sometimes personal. And the answers are very demanding but unpredictable:1- these answers are to be sensed and developed by me in a mode simple and brief 2- but the same difficulty of English becomes a resource, because it gives me time to rework and falls more in Deep and depth of "BE"! 3 - but when I try a better translation is then that the text itself is transformed by himself and at times, and he becomes that person and is based and is conducted by himself, by generating the concept that buys the energy to vibrating in your heart.. This is precisely the reason for which the Holy Spirit of God wants me to that see write in English: my torture! your joy!
humanumgenus (6 giorni fa)
ministero 2/8]One of the most surprising quality that has a metaphysical? Is that he can explain a spiritual topic, both to atheists, that for religious. The metaphysical is not: syncretism, Proselytism and that everyone should be proud of his religion and national identities. On the contrary, of the New World Order that seeks to destroy the self national for all mankind for be a only flock of sheep. So metaphysics is also an energy policy that is opposed to seigniorage and the NWO and process the real foundations of the unity of the human race!Only the bad guys can hate a metaphysical, because he wants to change the heart and not to ideas. The metaphysical is really good, as can be really dangerous when he must defend the innocent around the world. For the metaphysical, every little child on the planet is his son! The metaphysical of Gandi, churches to a his Hindu friend, to nurture with love The little orphan of His mortal enemy Muslim,
humanumgenus (6 giorni fa)
ministero 3/8]according to the Muslim religion! The metaphysical reveals what is in the heart of every man! Even an atheist can be metaphysical! Indeed, there is no heroism and holiness larger not ever having to say a lie to anyone! This higher form of spirituality and metaphysical perfection has always been given by: Archè of the Greeks, from the Vedas, Buddha, Confucius, etc. who say: "Yes it is Yes! No, if it is not! The more is definitely from the evil!" Please analyze all the comments: lorenzojhwh (spiritual) humanumgenus (scientific) ShalomGerusalemme (political) before you ask, unnecessary applications. So, too, will have the joy of a new acquisition Because the science of metaphysical (atheist or not has a lot of religious significance) is in the heart of every man that is an operator of Justice " and not in his mind or his books. This science being rational, does not emerge as a esoteric note, because it is deductive that inductive,
humanumgenus (6 giorni fa)
ministero 4/8]of the intuition that developing The figure then reaches ever to a conclusion. If this method is applied to scientific research as exciting discoveries could do quickly the science? Metaphysics is a speculative and reflective analysis of the inner reality that emerging from the value can go down to being at the bottom of all things, from which all together have their origin.Then, if something is true is also view by all as true! [this said Giacinto Auriti when attempting in vain to talk with all institutions Masonic that Today bully us said: "The evidence is proof of itself!"] is scientific because always reproducible by all! For this the metaphysical does not want convince and strives for this. Each walk for that light of knowledge that is in him, but today a billion are descending into hell.Then, their discarded lighting intuitive and rational of those, their right inner of these metaphysical,
humanumgenus (6 giorni fa)
ministero 5/8]to which the deadly ideology of Finance Masonic, has denied the right to a legitimate competition. How many researchers continue yet to recite the dive evolutionism for need of survival? hose researchers could overcome lorenzojhwh very easily, if you find the metaphysical dimension of their being? Here, even the atheist metaphysical becomes eternal, because eternity is the value that we now live in him and expressed through of him: ALLELUIA! That creative power God has placed in every man for himself!Because man coward Decides to lose all this in favor of pornography, etc.. You, also as an atheist, you can bless yourself and all mankind: HUGE! Indeed, the metaphysical and the glorious presence of God. Because God is: 1- love 2- Justice 3- 4 Truth- 5 Intelligence- science! An atheist can do without these values? About waiver to these values is worse than a beast, even if the judiciary can not strike him and if God hours tolerate him to because of free will.
humanumgenus (6 giorni fa)
ministero 6/8]But it is no for free will the witness lorenzojhwh that now many will affected?This metaphysics is also in the ateo, when he decided to devote himself wholly and without compromise, and until the supreme sacrifice of himself, if necessary! This becomes a truly blessed life: why is the maximum of dignity is a metaphysical dignity! "lorenzojhwh" is bringing a new civilization to all mankind! Where others more capable and more worthy of him have failed just because could not have the power to destroy and kill the damned of seigniorage Masonic And without the decimation of many Freemasons and Satanists in fact, for this planet is no longer possible can a hope. Who then does not believe that lorenzojhwh may have this opportunity in his faith he can always do from guinea pig for this experiment.but it is not essential that you, to be from guinea pig, because it is obvious for all, worldwide, is note to all,
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signoraggio massonico

Post n°58 pubblicato il 08 Giugno 2009 da jhwhinri

humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
1/2 Playlistvideo87 SAID: [ contrapposizione tra: 1 adoratori di Dio (parte tradizionalista dei cristiani) 2 adoratori di Lucifero (massoneria, parte modernista dei cristiani) Questo spiega perché negli ultimi tempi è avvenuto un grande attacco alla chiesa:zeitgeist, codice da vinci, angeli e demoni, che uniti a tutta la immoralità che c'è nei media portano l'essere umano al non credere ma c'è da domandarsi perché i più grandi centri di potere ce l'hanno così tanto con la religione cristiana.Tali famiglie famiglie ebree deviate, SATANISTE, si ispirano ai miti di babilonia il gruppo si nasconde dentro il popolo di Israele, è fautore del più fanatico sionismo e controlla il mondo
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
2/2 Playlistvideo87 SAID: mediante il signoraggio bancario che ci rende tutti schiavi inconsapevoli Io sono ateo, ma il nemico del mio nemico è SICURAMENTE mio amico e in un futuro prossimo, la parte tradizionalista del vaticano sarà un valido scudo DI PROTEZIONE PER TUTTI Anche se atei noi dobbiamo fermare questo anticlericlalismo e poi il libro l'apocalisse13:16 purtroppo ha avuto ragione: E faceva sì che a tutti, piccoli e grandi, ricchi e poveri, liberi e servi, fosse posto un marchio sulla mano destra o sulla fronte; e che nessuno potesse comprare o vendere se non chi avesse il marchio, cioè il nome della bestia o il numero del suo nome tali parole possono essere ricondotte al chip sottocutaneo che presto arriverà e ci sarà imposto per combattere il TERRORISMO e renderci la vita più semplice
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
I have already said "Pacovl8" that I am Catholic Christian biblical fundamentalist, and I have personal experience of many invisible reality. For this I have also:1 - jew (because Jesus was jew) 2 - I love God as a Muslim (because Abraham is our father) 3 - I love all men who love God 4 - "I love all people of "good will 5 - I love all the atheists who are operators of Justice. but the religion, dear "Pacovl8" is less important than faith Why in the Kingdom of God which already I belong I can not see a religion! God wants from me, that:1 I will bring the world peace 2 I protect all religions Preziose 3 to merge them together, like the fingers of one hand 4 against the parasite jew Satanist ie that of the bank seigniorage. 5 Symbol of unity of all the good people of the world
will be the Jewish Temple
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
By [] How to rebuild after the earthquake the city dell'Aquila, at no cost? Politicians will tell us that:there is no money or that will lead to obtain debt: These politicians lie! If we have 3 pears and 3$ Each pear will cost 1$.But if the pears are 6,but still remain in circulation 3$,or sell 6 pears to 50% or 3 pears should rot (hello,children died of hunger!)To achieve stable prices is necessary to introduce a quantity of money in proportion to property present in the market.To address the economic crisis Nesser is free issue the money necessary (on behalf of the people)in relation to goods of production and this the state can do so at no cost: seigniorage to the people and not to the Jewish bankers!
humanumgenus (5 giorni fa)
2 Cr 32,7-8 "Siate forti e coraggiosi! Non temete e non abbattetevi davanti al re d'Assiria e davanti alla moltitudine che l'accompagna, perché con noi c'è uno più grande di chi è con lui. Con lui c'è la carne, con noi c'è il Signore degli Eserciti per aiutarci a vincere le nostre battaglie". Il popolo rimase assicurato dalle parole di Ezechia, re di Giuda.
humanumgenus (5 giorni fa)
Quando Dio plasmava Adamo, già JHWH conosceva l'esito finale di ognuno di noi. La migliore di tutti noi risultò essere Maria e per questo fu scelta come madre del Messia. Ma Dio, non potendo avere contatto con il peccato fu costretto a esentare Maria dal peccato originale. Pertanto, anche la migliore di noi, sarebbe andata all'inferno senza il sacrificio di Cristo sulla Croce. Per questo, quando Pietro tentava Gesù per distogliere lui dal Sacrificio della Croce, gli disse: "Vattene Satana!" Oggi, Maria è ancora una di noi. Maria è oggi, come domani, molti di noi anche saranno nel Regno di Dio. Anche ora, Maria rimane per amore di noi, come sempre è stata, nostra umile serva per amore: sorella e madre. Molti non lo sanno, ma questo è il vero insegnamento della Chiesa cattolica!
ironmonkeypalm (5 giorni fa)
God has already revealed beginning to end through the Bible. Satan has blinded you by making you worship Mary who is only a human being. Don't let that be your judgment for believing a lie.
humanumgenus (5 giorni fa)
Paradiso: your measure of faith, what you have today, makes you "fullness" "capacity". If you are small, six however, perfect and fully saturated of knowledge and of love. This is why You can not envy of Who is bigger than you, Why in Paradise there is no longer possible to grow today! Now, do not miss this opportunity to grow spiritually in your level of faith!. St. Francis of Assisi, was full of wealth and leisure, but became totally poor to enlarge its "capacity" and "fullness" in eternal life. In Paradise, God will give you a pearl-diamond - That only you can see from you - in it is written the secret name single by which God calls you and through which you will call him, whit telepathy, at any time. This precious stone you can not miss because it goes to hide in your heart!
humanumgenus (5 giorni fa)
jdcriveau SAID:"again i ask you what or where do you think paradice"--> We know very well, as is done Paradise because we have many details. Many of our brothers: Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants have been them and after they talked to us, so we have a preliminary description. The Bible reveals many details. A mind like metaphysics that my, rationally perceive. them, where even the flowers of the meadow are eternal and turn to look to see when passing a single child of God them, where there is no dust. them, where everything is glorious. them, where the light that comes from God is reflected in all things. them, where a delicate fragrance of God is felt everywhere. them, where the choirs and the music of angels can be heard continuously. them, where we are surrounded and nourished by glory them, Where is impossible not to remain absorbed by the beauty of that moment of praise and adoration of God. In truth is a much more dynamic and complex than we know here in this dimension.
humanumgenus (5 giorni fa)
Never "lorenzojhwh" him was been so happy in her life! Why is a the big booty of souls that him is doing to Paradise! Precious and beautiful "netengeargirly2k" affable my sister in Christ: "Who deserve Paradise?" But even lorenzojhwh may deserve it! God has decided to be a gift of heaven, for all repentant sinners and who love him and that have washed their soul in the precious blood of Innocent Lamb. God knows how to protect all those who love him! And in the terrifying moments of the final, none of those who are his, still be on this planet ruined, will be still here! But the bad guys all over the world, now are about to take a stunning defeat: 1- The third Jewish temple will be built soon! 2- Seigniorage bank falls! 3- All evil will be removed and away from this generation! A wonderful time and beautiful prosperous and peaceful will be for all peoples of the earth!

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humanumgenus lorenzojhwh

Post n°57 pubblicato il 08 Giugno 2009 da jhwhinri

BereanBeacon (4 giorni fa)
But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. Romans 5:15-18
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
barbsinclair SAID:"The unsatisfied longings of the prophets for human understanding caused them to cry out in their complaint, and even our Lord Himself suffered in the same way. The man [or woman] who has passed on into the divine Presence in actual inner experience will not find many who understand him. He searches for friends upon whose garments he can detect the smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia out of the ivory palaces, and finding few or none he, like Mary of old, keeps these things in his heart. It is this very loneliness that throws him back upon God. His inability to find human companionship drives him to seek in God what he can find nowhere else." studies/sermons/devotions/lone liness.htm
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat.They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them. Psalm 115:4-8*John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.*John 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him John 5:22,23*And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: Philippians 3:9
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
"gzyyy6" said me:[my heart my honor how can i deni this! you seem frustrated may Gods peace find you I LOVE ALL GODS PEOPLE AND WANT THEM TO STOP KILLING AND NO THAT WE ARE BROTHERS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU MUST BE A JEW OF THE HEART AND NOT OF HE FLEASH or THE BOOKS THAT HAS BEEN USED TO diseave GODS HOUSE IS IN THE HEART NO NEED FOR A NEW BUILDING PEACE BE OPON YOU BROTHER]--ANSWER--> The jew banker Satanist of seigniorage SpA, has lost roots for all mankind. All men are confused. Even atheists are searching of this symbol of Universal unity. Now, the jew good will, to all give building 3° temple Hebrew so that we all find a common membership in respect of each diversity
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
the precious and grace "amvieshus7" SAID: Thank you dear friend, if that´s your belief, nobody is forcing us, all God wants us is to love Him. John 14:15 If ye love me keep my commandments -- ANSWER-> I do not speak and do not write good English, if you want to tell me something you should write as you write to a young child Your in Christ lorenzojhwh. I am a gift of God for all. I can not be part of a people. I love all mankind. and I want to live the good in all. I do not want to change the religion or the ideas of others. I ask for respect for all and equality for all. I have the power of a ministry that God has given me even for atheists. This ministry may you stay forever young for you and I in return from you I do not want anything! But to enter as an atheist or a religious in this eternal youth and you must become you must be a metaphysical
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
Maria decrease? The mean is decrease for all us! Why Mary, even if it is the best of us is always one of us. belittle Mary, means to belittle the work of Christ and diminish the gift of love of the Father, for each of us. God has not given something to us but in Christ, He has given us entirely himself. Because we become like him! Who does not have this measure of faith, will always be a creature lower than the angels. The work that God has already been done for the level of faith of Mary suggests to us all what they want to JHWH in all of us. Who has not this measure of faith he has peace with me and I with him!
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
When God formed Adam, JHWH already, knew the final outcome of each of us. The best of us all, turned out to be Maria and for this she was chosen as the mother of the Messiah. But God that could not have contact with sin, has been forced to exempt Mary from original sin. Therefore, even the best of us would go to hell without the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. For this, when Peter tried to distract Jesus from the sacrifice of the Cross, said of Peter, "Begone Satan!" Today, Mary is still one of us. Mary is now, as many of us will one day in the Kingdom of God. Even now, Mary remains for the sake of us, as always has been, our humble maid for love: sister and mother. Many do not know, but this is the true teaching of the Catholic Church!

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immacolata maria

Post n°56 pubblicato il 08 Giugno 2009 da jhwhinri

humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
[1/5 Mary]you"lorenzojhwh"wrote:"When God formed Adam, JHWH already,knew the final outcome of each of us. The best of us all, turned out to be Maria and for this she was chosen as the mother of the Messiah. But God that could not have contact with sin,has been forced to exempt Mary from original sin.Therefore,even the best of us would go to hell without the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. For this, when Peter tried to distract Jesus from the sacrifice of the Cross, said of Peter,"Begone Satan!"Today, Mary is still one of us.Mary is now,as many of us will one day in the Kingdom of God.Even now,Mary remains for the sake of us,as always has been, our humble maid for love:sister and mother.Many do not know,but this is the true teaching of the Catholic Church!"->you "barbsinclair"wrote: Are you a believer in this saying or just stating the fact of the papal blasphemy with all her followers?Gal3:22 all under sin, that the promise by faith of
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
[2/5 Mary]Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.1Jn 1:8 If we say that we[or Mary]have no sin, we deceive ourselves,and the truth is not in us.If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.If we say that we [or Mary]have not sinned, we make him a liar,and his word is not in us.The Holy Holy Holy LORD God Almighty would be violating His own Holiness, separate from mankind and all creation which is under the curse(Gen3)*IF* he exempted Mary from original sin.Mary was born in sin as her parents of natural decent.The ONLY one born of a womb that was sinless was the Son of God Jesus Christ Himself who came to sinners,had blessed contact of sinners,came into a fully corrupt sinful earth to SAVE the world from sin.For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God(Rom3:23"as by one man sin entered into the world,and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men,for that all have sinned"Rom5:12




humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
[3/5 Mary] The very fact that Mary died proves she was under the curse of original sin! She needed the Lord Jesus Christ to die for her so He would raise her up again! God Himself had to become flesh to redeem all from the curse (including Mary). The womb Messiah was miraculously born from, Mary herself needed a savior to save her from the curse of sin and curruption. Mary's womb is as the tomb HIS body was placed in; neither could contain HIM. The Holy One of Israel Jesus Christ the second Adam is the only Holy one in the flesh, likeness of mankind. It is blasphemy to say any creature born of natural decent is sinless as HE, the only spotless and sinless one. All in the Roman papal church are lost who believe Mary was without original sin equal in Holy nature as the Lord God Almighty. Are promoting such things as a believer in it? In Christ Jesus the only Holy one cometh in the flesh, (barb) -ANSWER-> Maria decrease? The mean is decrease for all us!
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
[4/5 Mary] Why Mary, even if it is the best of us is always one of us. belittle Mary, means to belittle the work of Christ and diminish the gift of love of the Father, for each of us. God has not given something to us but in Christ, He has given us entirely himself. Because we become like him! Who does not have this measure of faith, will always be a creature lower the angels. Who has not this measure of faith he has peace with me and I with him! I fear that my work of Mariology, that is to unite all the Christian Churches, then their can truly unite. This could be become the perfect instrument of masonry which would be used then dall'anticristo which is soon to come between us as demonstrated by the micro-chip (666) already implanted in Satanists, prototypes of all monsters. Because all the Christians have taken the heresy of modernism and they have lost the true doctrine of faith, as Mary said at Fatima. Even you admit that the CHRIST HOLY MESSIAH,
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
[5/5 Mary]could not result from a contaminated body of sin.While we Catholic, admit that Mary has definitely committed involuntarily, some sins inevitable, for fragile human nature. Even if Jesus had used (at times) Tone hard with Mary to show huge distance of His divine nature, however, then Jesus has always wanted to grant throughout the desire of His mother You make a mistake theological "barbsinclair" when you say that we ask Maria on an equal footing with Christ. Why, yuo should put Maria on the same level of Adam, when he had not yet betrayed God, And that it was very precarious, is the plan of salvation for Adam is shown by the fact that Eva got her first ovulation outside of earthly paradise, because already Cain was born in sin. But Adam, was not the son of God as instead us today we are! But as the HOLY, HE could fall into a sinful earth? IMPOSSIBLE!Then, also for Mary, the best of us all, was needed, just like us, blood of the Cross! Amen! Alleluia!

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mary maria

Post n°55 pubblicato il 08 Giugno 2009 da jhwhinri

humanumgenus (2 giorni fa)
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gavrochshack"said: "We have to do a world revolution... In all country,there in Europe the people are mad and nervous.. We have to moove for our freedom and security. They want to kill ?/10 of the ppl of the world !!! ACTION now or never... WAKE UP! MY BROTHER said me: "Bless you, Brother, as you expose the evils and sins of usury, how banks and credit card companies, etc., have become predatory loansharks, obligating and enslaving the people. We must break free, pay our debts, never again accept credit debt (the temptation and the road to hell) and cease selling our souls to Satan --ANSWER-> Who underwrites a loan to go to the restaurant?Of course, our politicians have betrayed us!
humanumgenus (2 giorni fa)
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The JEW raphaelbouhnik "said me:" Keep your diabolical bullshit for yourself! - ANSWER -> Yours is certainly a diabolical ignorance! Victim unconscious and happy! Horns in the head and happy! You know what is the bank seigniorage? You know the Giacinto Auriti scientist? You know why Kennedy was killed? You have to study much more donkey! Before you insult those who risk their lives, to save the goats like you: you are careful reflection! Now, the very narrow path is: 1 Nuclear Fire On the one hand, and 2 the fire of hell on the other side! "Father forgive them, that they know not what they do!" Jesus said hours. If someone can do something to liberate all mankind from jew banker of seigniorage banking this is the time to move! All those who choose to be hostile to this ministry are destined to have many problems! This has been decreed!
humanumgenus (3 giorni fa)
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The JEW"raphaelbouhnik"said:"I really don't give a damn about your idiotic conspirations theories for people who don't have a brain.Stop sending me these messages and get the fuck out.You risk your life to save "goats" like me, you wish, come to Israel to see what risking your life really means!ANSWER-> lorenzojhwh":1-not afraid of dying!2-he discovered the bank seigniorage,the18-12-07 that the formation of our money and that is your conspiracy against all mankind. 3- is a scientific researcher-theologian who can take a goat ignorant,malicious and slamming head above the books.4-if it's not a coward, can you please pass by my page comments?5-first stolen monetary sovereignty,then kill and then slandered with conspirations theories?6-you have a right to a fair comparison, the scientific with me: publicly!-because the Pentagon is a small hole of 3 meters?Why are the windows near the hole are intact?Where are the scrap that Giambo? Which Satanists, have eaten those passengers?
humanumgenus (3 giorni fa)
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[1/2 message to the 40 Jewish bankers Satanists of seigniorage SpA]It was a great invention, that of the allocated, that allowed,first to the French Revolution and later to than Communist, of destroy the Catholic monarchies:that you could not have dominated! You, the directors of the hidden history! Today, you are the absolute masters of our planet: WELL DONE!How many billions of corpses, you have on your conscience satanic?How many fathers commit suicide every day, because they can not pay the loan of your diabolical scheme?You printed the money that we all have in your pocket. Yet, there is no one TV set that can explain to the people what is the seigniorage bank!You became invisible just because you have turned the men in chickens.You who have raised the flag of Satan and you have lowered the banner of Christ.You who are able to bribe in depth the Church of Christ, to the point that, even more you can see you.
humanumgenus (3 giorni fa)
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[2/2 message to the 40 Jewish bankers Satanists of seigniorage SpA]You who have corrupted all the religions and have destroyed the metaphysical project of harmony and friendship between peoples and that you are very close to the final result, in fact you have managed to control the human race that is so deprived, that is no longer able to understand and act. You, as your fathers, you are invisible gods of evil, and continue, usurers unpunished, to destroy the human race. This is for the sole benefit Masonic your prostitute? I ask you: "because I do not kill you yet?" Now, it's too late for this, because "lorenzojhwh" has already prophesied against you in the name of Jesus a malignant evil in you and in all your employees: "burning fire of hell never extinguished!"
Obviously, the worst for you, is yet to come,Because the fire of these days, is only an early taste.
humanumgenus (3 giorni fa)
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[1/2 messaggio ai 40 banchieri ebrei satanisti del signoraggio SpA] Fu una grande invenzione quella degli assegnati che permisero, prima alla rivoluzione francese e dopo a quella comunista di distruggere le monarchie cattoliche: che voi non potevate dominare! Voi, i registi occulti della storia! Oggi, voi siete i padroni assoluti del nostro pianeta: BRAVI! Quanti miliardi di cadaveri voi avete sulla coscienza satanica? Quanti padri si suicidano ogni giorno, perché non riescono a pagare il mutuo del vostro sistema diabolico? Voi stampate i soldi che tutti abbiamo in tasca, eppure non c'è una sola televisione che può spiegare ai popoli cosa è il signoraggio bancario! Voi siete diventati invisibili solo perché avete trasformato gli uomini in polli. Voi che avete alzato la bandiera di Satana e avete abbassato la bandiera di Cristo. Voi che siete riusciti a corrompere in profondità la Chiesa di Cristo, fino al punto che, neanche lei riesce più a vedervi.
humanumgenus (3 giorni fa)
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[2/2 messaggio ai 40 banchieri ebrei satanisti del signoraggio SpA] Voi che avete corrotto tutte le religioni e avete distrutto i progetti metafisici di armonia e amicizia tra i popoli e che siete molto vicini al risultato finale, perché siete riusciti a controllare il genere umano che è così deprivato, che non è più in grado di capire e agire. Voi, come i vostri padri siete ora delle malvagie divinità invisibili, e continuate impuniti strozzini a distruggete il genere umano. Questo per il vantaggio esclusivo delle vostre clientele massoniche. Io chiedo a voi: "perché non mi avete ancora fatto uccidere?" Ora, è troppo tardi per questo, perché "lorenzojhwh" ha già profetizzo contro di voi nel nome di Gesù una piaga maligna in voi e in tutti i vostri collaboratori: "fuoco dell'inferno che brucia senza mai estinguersi!" Ovviamente il peggio per voi deve ancora arrivare, perché quello di adesso e soltanto una anticipazione!
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
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Pacovl8 SAID [you love god as a muslim?thats pretty weird if you are an crhistian so you mean muslims love god more ??? than christians and jews hmm bless Paco]-- ANSWER-> the Holy Spirit of JHWH, said me(intuitively): that I "lorenzojhwh" on that day, I will make known to you all saints Muslims, your colleagues and brothers which are in Paradise with you! Paco you know a good religion? Where? let me to know? "lorenzojhwh" not their destroy them all now, just because the good that they do, is certainly greater, of evil that they do! When a religion, said:"infidels" the believers of other religions, this is an abomination, Paco. And when a religion, you licensee, just because she wants to love a woman, this is another abomination Paco. And I will stop here now, because the list is too long.
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
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[1/5 Mary]you"lorenzojhwh"wrote:"When God formed Adam, JHWH already,knew the final outcome of each of us. The best of us all, turned out to be Maria and for this she was chosen as the mother of the Messiah. But God that could not have contact with sin,has been forced to exempt Mary from original sin.Therefore,even the best of us would go to hell without the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. For this, when Peter tried to distract Jesus from the sacrifice of the Cross, said of Peter,"Begone Satan!"Today, Mary is still one of us.Mary is now,as many of us will one day in the Kingdom of God.Even now,Mary remains for the sake of us,as always has been, our humble maid for love:sister and mother.Many do not know,but this is the true teaching of the Catholic Church!"->you "barbsinclair"wrote: Are you a believer in this saying or just stating the fact of the papal blasphemy with all her followers?Gal3:22 all under sin, that the promise by faith of
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
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[2/5 Mary]Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.1Jn 1:8 If we say that we[or Mary]have no sin, we deceive ourselves,and the truth is not in us.If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.If we say that we [or Mary]have not sinned, we make him a liar,and his word is not in us.The Holy Holy Holy LORD God Almighty would be violating His own Holiness, separate from mankind and all creation which is under the curse(Gen3)*IF* he exempted Mary from original sin.Mary was born in sin as her parents of natural decent.The ONLY one born of a womb that was sinless was the Son of God Jesus Christ Himself who came to sinners,had blessed contact of sinners,came into a fully corrupt sinful earth to SAVE the world from sin.For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God(Rom3:23"as by one man sin entered into the world,and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men,for that all have sinned"Rom5:12

humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
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[3/5 Mary] The very fact that Mary died proves she was under the curse of original sin! She needed the Lord Jesus Christ to die for her so He would raise her up again! God Himself had to become flesh to redeem all from the curse (including Mary). The womb Messiah was miraculously born from, Mary herself needed a savior to save her from the curse of sin and curruption. Mary's womb is as the tomb HIS body was placed in; neither could contain HIM. The Holy One of Israel Jesus Christ the second Adam is the only Holy one in the flesh, likeness of mankind. It is blasphemy to say any creature born of natural decent is sinless as HE, the only spotless and sinless one. All in the Roman papal church are lost who believe Mary was without original sin equal in Holy nature as the Lord God Almighty. Are promoting such things as a believer in it? In Christ Jesus the only Holy one cometh in the flesh, (barb) -ANSWER-> Maria decrease? The mean is decrease for all us!
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
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[4/5 Mary] Why Mary, even if it is the best of us is always one of us. belittle Mary, means to belittle the work of Christ and diminish the gift of love of the Father, for each of us. God has not given something to us but in Christ, He has given us entirely himself. Because we become like him! Who does not have this measure of faith, will always be a creature lower the angels. Who has not this measure of faith he has peace with me and I with him! I fear that my work of Mariology, that is to unite all the Christian Churches, then their can truly unite. This could be become the perfect instrument of masonry which would be used then dall'anticristo which is soon to come between us as demonstrated by the micro-chip (666) already implanted in Satanists, prototypes of all monsters. Because all the Christians have taken the heresy of modernism and they have lost the true doctrine of faith, as Mary said at Fatima. Even you admit that the CHRIST HOLY MESSIAH,
humanumgenus (4 giorni fa)
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[5/5 Mary]could not result from a contaminated body of sin.While we Catholic, admit that Mary has definitely committed involuntarily, some sins inevitable, for fragile human nature. Even if Jesus had used (at times) Tone hard with Mary to show huge distance of His divine nature, however, then Jesus has always wanted to grant throughout the desire of His mother You make a mistake theological "barbsinclair" when you say that we ask Maria on an equal footing with Christ. Why, yuo should put Maria on the same level of Adam, when he had not yet betrayed God, And that it was very precarious, is the plan of salvation for Adam is shown by the fact that Eva got her first ovulation outside of earthly paradise, because already Cain was born in sin. But Adam, was not the son of God as instead us today we are! But as the HOLY, HE could fall into a sinful earth? IMPOSSIBLE!Then, also for Mary, the best of us all, was needed, just like us, blood of the Cross! Amen! Alleluia!
BereanBeacon (4 giorni fa)
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But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. Romans 5:15-18

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