

It fits the Nokia 7600 cellphone. Finished measurements (when closed):Width: 9 cm.Lenght: 11 cm in the maximum point. Supplies needed:7 mm needles (English: number 2; American: number 10 ½)Small amount of Merinos Extrafine 100% Merinos, color red. You can use any worsted weight wool yarn.A little button.Needle-and-thread Gauge before felting process:Width: 6 cm = 10 stsLenght: 3 cm = 6 rows Gauge after felting process:Width: 6 cm = 13 stsLenght: 3 cm = 10,5 rows You can felt your gauge the way you like. I’ve used soft soap, warm water and a lot of patience!Always use a needle size thet gives you the right gauge – every knitter’s gauge is unique. Pattern notes:K: KnitP: PurlYo: yarn over, one stitch increasedSKP: Slip 1, 1k, pass slipped stitch over. One stitch decreased.K2tog: knit 2 stitches together: one stitch decreased.Work every increase and every decrease after the first stitch. Directions:Make two ovals:Cast on 9 stiches leaving a long tailK1, yo, k7, yo, k1 à 11stsP11K1, yo, k9, yo, k1 à 13stsP13K1, yo, k11, yo, k1 à 15stsP15K1, yo, k13, yo, k1 à 17stsP17K1, yo, k15, yo, k1 à 19stsP19K1, yo, k17, yo, k1 à 21stsP21K1, yo, k1, yo, k10, yo, k1 à 24stsP24K24P24K1, SKP, k9, K2tog, k7, K2tog, k1 à 21stsP21K1, SKP, k15, K2tog, k1 à 19stsP19K1, SKP, k13, K2tog, k1 à 17stsP17K1, SKP, k11, K2tog, k1 à 15stsP15K1, SKP, k9, K2tog, k1 à 13stsP13K1, SKP, k7, K2tog, k1 à 11stsP11K1, SKP, k5, K2tog, k1 à 9stsFast off. As you can see in the photos, there is a little “patella” to close the cell cozy.To get it, replace about 10 sts of the upper part of the cozy and rejoin yarn.Work in stockinette stitch for about 6,5 cm. Fo. Felt the two ovals the way you like.Now we have to sew the cozy. Sew 3 sides leaving little holes double end.Please see photos to see how.With a pair of scissors cut a little space to obtain the buttonhole on the “patella”. Sew all around the buttonhole.Sew the button on the cozy in correspondence to the buttonhole.Enjoy it!