FIRMIAMO LA PETIZIONE AL PRESIDENTE UKRAINO  PER  LA MORTE DI OKSANAE' morta Oksana Makar, la ragazza ucraina stuprata e bruciata vivaLa ragazza da giorni lottava tra la vita e la morteE' morta questa mattina Oksana Makar, la ragazza ucraina diciottenne stuprata e poi data alle fiamme da un branco di tre giovani violentatori. La notizia aveva fatto il giro del mondo negli ultimi giorni, e tutti si erano stretti in una preghiera comune perchè la ragazza potesse sopravvivere alle gravissime ustioni. Oksana aveva ustioni sul 55% del corpo e le amputazioni di un braccio e di un piede non sono bastate a salvarla. La 18enne sarebbe stata invitata da un conoscente in un appartamento, e lì violentata dal giovane e da due suoi amici. Poi, forse per evitare che parlasse, i tre avrebbero tentato di uccidere Oksana dandole fuoco. La madre della vittima aveva deciso di diffondere un video nel quale la figlia raccontava in tutta la sua crudezza la violenza subita. Il video, anche molto criticato, aveva però indubbiamente contribuito a far crescere l'indignazione per l'agghiacciante fatto di cronaca. FIRMA     QUI    LA  PETIZIONE  http://www.change.org/petitions/to-the-president-of-ukraine-justice-for-oksana-makar ECCO    IL   VIDEO DELLA SUA CONFESSIONE  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JpuFDS7iIi0#at=23 IL   VIDEO    DEL  SUO FUNERALE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MldTD1R4idU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfXoWBDYtTU&feature=player_embedded LA   PETIZIONE    Justice for Oksana MakarGreetings,I just signed the following petition addressed to: To The President of Ukraine. ----------------Justice for Oksana Makar Mr President, We are writing to request that you take under your personal control the investigation of rape and attempted murder of Oksana Makar. The reason for this request is that there is evidence that the three alleged suspects in this heinous crime are using their high social position to avoid investigation and conviction. In fact, two of them were released without bail. We remind you the facts, to which we refer in this petition: on the night of 9 to 10 March 2012 in the city of Mykolayiv three men lured Oksana Makar, 19 y.o., into an apartment of one of them. There they raped her. One of them strangled her and then raped her again thinking she was dead. They left her in a building under construction near the scene close to a fire, which caused severe burns of the 3rd and 4th degrees in 55% of her body . Despite being severely burned, Oksana Makar survived and is currently hospitalized in critical condition: with both feet and right arm amputated. We, the undersigned, are concerned that the law enforcement is not doing their job in regard of this serious incident. As mentioned above, two of the suspects were released without bail. Nothing is heard from the investigation even though the incident has evoked deep public concern. According to the victim's mother, investigators failed to take Oksana's statement although she is aware and remember the facts. There are suspicions that the two suspects released are from families with high social status and resources and that this is the reason why the law enforcement shows no interest in investigating the facts and bringing the perpetrators to justice. Mr. President! The crime of Mykolayiv has clear characteristics of femicide. We urge you to take the measures required to verify personally the development of investigation and ensure that perpetrators are found and brought to justice.---------------- Sincerely,[Your name]  FIRMA     QUI    LA  PETIZIONE  http://www.change.org/petitions/to-the-president-of-ukraine-justice-for-oksana-makar    
Paolo Carinci firma qui http://www.change.org/petitions/to-the-president-of-ukraine-justice-for-oksana-makar
To The President of Ukraine: Justice for Oksana Makarwww.change.org Call for Justice in Ukraine: On the night of 9 to 10 March 2012 in the city of Mykolayiv three men lured Oksana Makar, 19 y.o., into an...6 ore fa · Mi piace ·
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