
another Nicklaus mark that is more significant

The United States has long objected to the Russian crusade for an online arms control ban. “There is no broad international support for a cyberweapon ban,” saysJames A. Lewis, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “This is a global diplomatic ploy by the Russians to take down aperceived area of U.S. military advantage.”Russia, many security experts note, has been accused of using cyberwarfare in disputes with Estonia and wars in Georgia.Mr. Kaspersky said that at no point did he cooperate with the Federal Security Agency, the successor agency to the K.G.B., as the Flame virus was not a threat toRussian citizens. Tiger Woods was at his best Sunday at the Memorial. He hit nearly every shot just the way he wanted, prada shoes women sale worked the gallery into a frenzy with one lastcharge over the final hour and left everyone buzzing - especially Jack Nicklaus - with a shot they will talk about for years.Better yet was the timing of his 73rd win.Woods tied Nicklaus for career PGA Tour victories at the tournament that Jack built. And the 14-time major champion suddenly looks equipped to resume his chase ofanother Nicklaus mark that is more significant - prada wallet uk 18 major championships.No one was thinking birdie, not even Woods, until he took two steps and delivered an uppercut when the ball fell in the right side of the cup.Nicklaus was gushing from the broadcast booth. "The most unbelievable, gutsy shot I've ever seen," he said."Under the circumstances - the circumstances being Tiger has been struggling - it was either fish or cut bait," Nicklaus said later. "He had one place to land theball. He's playing a shot that if he leaves it short, he's going to leave himself again a very difficult shot. If he hits it long, he's going to probably lose the Prada Shoes For Women tournament. He lands the ball exactly where it has to land.