become a dentist

How to Become a Dentist

 More information about How to Become a Dentist is here http://www.becomedentist.comSo you made a decision to become a dentist? And for sure you want to become a really good professional! Well, you can start preparing as early as from high school. Focus on such subjects as chemistry, biology, physics and math. Here is a detailed guide on how to become a dentist. Consult Your Guidance CounselorIt's a good idea to ask someone who knows what's going on in the field of your interest. Ask your school guidance counselor how to become a dentist and you will get a piece of good advice. You can also inquire about pre-dental schools available to you. Get High GradesWell, high grades is the thing that matters a lot when it comes to becoming a dentist! And getting good scores is not easy, right? Still, try your best, it pays off after all. Concentrate on your priority subjects and commit yourself to getting good results and decent grades. Take Dental Admission Test (DAT)This is one of the greatest challenges on your way to become a dentist. This exam is aimed at assessing your academic ability, comprehension of scientific information and perceptual skills. You can take this test in one of the centers operated by Prometric Inc. Get thoroughly prepared and you'll easily get through this exam! High results will give you an opportunity to choose from a wide range of dental schools. Enter a Dental SchoolDo a thorough research on dental schools available for you. Choose the accredited dental school that offers the best suitable program for you. Inquire about education costs, scholarship possibilities, weigh all pros and cons of every school you're considering. And only then make your choice. Find a MentorStudents commonly look for mentors among professors. Having a mentor by your side will help you to avoid a lot of mistakes on your way to become a dentist! Get a LicenseAfter graduating from dental school you can apply for a license. To become a licensed dentist you will have to pass the state exam. For more details contact the state dental board. Acquire Practical ExperiencePractice is the most important thing in the work of dentist. Take the initiative for finding opportunities to get some practical experience. Get started as soon as possible. Any practice will benefit you greatly, even if it's a volunteer work. This will give you the greatest edge over the others when applying for a job. Concentrate on the most important points of this guide on how to become a dentist. Will you be able to cope with all this stuff? Surely, you will! Go and fulfill your dream!