become a dentist

Dentist Salary Overview: How Much Can You Make?

Every student choosing his/her career path is considering all pros and cons of it. Whether the job is interesting, how challenging it is, what it promises in terms of employment and salary... If you think of all aspects, you'll be able to make a smart decision. The question of earnings is one of the most important ones: you have to make enough for decent living. No wonder that students choosing dentistry are interested in this question as well.  National AveragesHow much are dentists paid on average? As for May 2011, the median dentist salary was $161,750 a year. It means $77,76 if we take the medium hourly rate. The lowest 10% of dentists earn about $74,490 a year. By the way, you will earn somewhere like that during your first years in the field. Don't expect skyrocketing salary right after the graduation. Still, the highest dentist salary breaks the figure of $187,199 annually. As a rule, higher degree and more experience mean higher dentist salary.  US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that your salary is also influenced by the industry you work in. Some work setting offer more money. If you have choice, decide on the following industries that pay the highest dentist salary: Offices of Dentists - $164,780Offices of Other Health Practitioners - $159,620Employment Services - $148,710State Government (OES Designation) - $147,340Other Ambulatory Health Care Services - $146,810LocationGeographical location matters a lot when is comes to dentist salary. Where can you expect to earn big bucks? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates the highest annual mean salary of $237,430 in New Hampshire. Next goes Delaware and Maine with an average salary rates of $210,440 and $208,060 respectively. North Dakota ($205,760) and Alabama ($205,130) follow in the list. To check the dentist salary in your state visit you can see, the dentist salary is pretty much promising. Would you also like to make good money? Then start looking for a dental school right now!