
Il massacro ha inizio, si salvi chi può...

Killing Joke - The Great CullThomas Malthus Eugenics are alive and kickingNutrients and vitamins extract from edible goodsLegislate, sick populations - a higher rate of mortalityFood code (as it's known) Codex AlimentariusThin the herd, thin the herd, the great cull is coming down...Develop virus market cure - exploit the panicContaminate by guile and stealth - a quick strum of the harpDepopulate initiate - pharmaceutical companiesAll fall down, all fall down, Codex AlimentariusThin the herd, thin the herd, the great cull is coming down...Most of us must die...Instigate wars in population density centresMaintain population below 500 millionImmunise, irradiate, deregulate all toxinsMonsanto feed, Monsanto seed - all the bees are dyingDepopulation in every nation, follow the food codeAll fall down, all fall down, Codex AlimentariusThin the herd, thin the herd, the great cull is coming down..