
games news pokemon diamond

so it' excit to think about whether or not this could mean anyth for th game too. Can w can expect mor of an overhaul to th Black and White game than we'v seen in past new generations? From what we'v seen of the screen so far,Start complet fresh with all new characters would be a huge shake-up for the show. the gameplai look unchang asid from the more 3D graphics, but who knows?we might b to sai goodby  to the entir origin cast. I'm try to keep it togeth here,When the Diamond & Pearl seri of the Pokemon anim come to a close later thi year in Japan. but thi is like the end of an era for Pokemon fan or anyon who grew up watch the show after school.let alon Ash and Pikachu,It' hard to imagin the show without Brock. so thi come as quit a shock if it prove to be true. Still, we can probabl all agree that it' about time for Ash to retir from life on the road and settl down a respect gym leader, or maybe even follow in Oak' footstep and becom a Pokemon professor.                                  copyright from: