
Win a Nintendo Wii from Contest Beat

I would like Nintendo Wii and thanks to Contest Beat i can win it
. Contest Beat is running a great contest for all bloggers. To enter is very simple. Write a post about this contest and include a sentence or two about the sponsors CellforCash and link back to them using one of the following anchor texts: recycle your cell phone; recycle my cell phone ; sell your cell phone ; sell my cell phone. Then include a link back to this contest post and leave a comment with the linking back to the post you’ve made on your blog. If you’d like a bonus entry then subscribe to RSS feed via email using the box in the top right of the page. Deadline 24 December 2007 ! If i win , Contest Beat does me a beautiful Christmas’s present. Ps. (Sorry for my bad english
) Italian Version : Per chi come me, mastica poco o niente l’inglese , vediamo semplicemente come partecipare a questo contest blog che mette in palio una Nintendo Wii. Bisogna scrivere un post che parli del contest. Inserite un paio di link allo sponsor CellForCash utilizzando come anchor text : recycle your cell phone; recycle my cell phone ; sell your cell phone. Un altro link va al post che parla del contest. Non resta che lasciare un commento con cui indicate la vostra partecipazione e segnalate il link del vostro blog in cui parlate del contest. Se sottoscriverete i feed di Contest Beat via mail ,aumenterete le chance di vittoria. Il contest scade il 24/12/2007.