Divide et impera.


August 31 2009
Hello there,I looked your profile on website www.cupid.it. , I looking for man aged from 30 and up more. Your profile liked to me and I have decided to write you.My dear, I want to tell you a little about me. My name is Elena, I am 27 years old, I am single lady and never married. I really would like to have friendshipwith you or something more :) What you think? If after my message you have interest then you can write to me here on my private e-mail: vsirf83@yahoo.com  and if you will answer please tell me about yourself and in next mail I will tell you more about me too. I send to you my photo, hope you will like me and please send me your photo if you have, ok? I really shall hope for your answer soon.Thanks and have a good day, Elena.