Divide et impera.


April 02 2010
Hello dear sir.Please, dont delete this letter as it is not a spam-postings. This letter deals with the problem of love affairs and shows ways of solving it.I am an agent of an independent organization Find your true love and become happy. Our organization specializes in searching love partners all over the world from different places of our planet. We have an email-base which includes more than 100 000 email addresses of men and women from all over the world. Our organization is non-commercial and provides absolutely free service. Organization Find your true love and become happy is volunteer and our aim is only to satisfy your necessities of life. You have searched for your true love all your life but havent found? WE WILL HELP YOUR TO FIND YOUR REAL FORTUNE. Our system of email-postings chose your email automatically, thats why youve received this letter. Here you can see a short autobiography of a girl who wants to find her love + her photo. We hope you will send your answer to this girl (her email is given as well) and you two can build truly strong relations. We wish you good luck! Be happy, love and be loved in return!Letter is attached:My name is Irina. I’m 35 years old. I wasn’t married and have no children.  I do not smoke or use any alcoholic drinks. I am serious and patient, aim-oriented lady. I think that the best criteria of any person is respect towards everybody else. In my free time, I practice sport or go jogging in the park. I am a very romantic person indeed. Sometimes I close my eyes and start daydreaming. You will think now – why has this woman written me a letter, she has everything!. My life lacks the best feeling. I am alone.I am lonely and get frozen because of this emptiness in my life. I see the sunset every day and ask God to send me a real love. In my country the 90% of men want to have a woman in order to humiliate her. That is why I have decided to try my fortune with the help of  the Internet. I have not done it before, but now I have this possibility and hope that some of my angels will help me. If you are interested in my personality, send me your letter only on my person e-mail address:  irka1975@yahoo.com I want to get to know you. I am searching for a love to bring this fullness and completeness into my life. I want to divide everything with the one I will love! In the following e-mails I will tell you more about me and my life. Definitely, you will see lots of my pictures, where you will see me and get to know my lifestyle. These pictures will reveal me different – happy, pensive and sad sometimes. If you read my letter, I get a possibility to hope for love! I am looking forward to your message. I really want to know more about you.Remember of me. Your new pen-friend, Irina.