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Morata restricted nike air max 97 men's  area and Marcelo hit before crashing into the tie, Brazil one subtle saiqiu help Morata form a single pass, in the face of goalkeeper, Real Madrid striker right foot tuishe, even though the goalkeeper fell back to touch the ball has not been able to stop its roll into the goal, 2-0. The 16 minute, Ronaldo restricted left rib left foot blast hit defender who pop up in a closed area, Real Madrid get up front to the left corner, Isco open to middle the ball, Casemiro leaping high in front, violence to ball into the nest, 3-0.  Peppe during tactics phase reminds me of Louis van Gaal, but that is not all that bad, because we haven't yet come across a really strong team, can't see a Triple Crown team with a perennial fight for survival team make-up. Last year, Bayern played with passion and team spirit, you are sure to win the new year, I do not know why this season it was gone, we need an explanation.  Even on Saturday, the Germany Soccer League has been established for over half a century. Not surprisingly, historical records and trophies in top Bundesliga, Bayern Munich monopoly subscribers. Saturday is the day of the 50 anniversary of the Bundesliga, and in that time in the past half century, Bundesliga, also from nike air max classic bw uk  a nascent League obscurity, gradually growing into one of the top domestic league in the world.