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Display LG expansion curved surface OLED OEM apple iPhone screen

LG display company (Display LG) is planning to expand production capacity of the company surface OLED screen, and there is news that the company will produce the first iPhone screen for Apple OLED.Taiwan's DIGITIMES quoted South Korean et news report said on Tuesday that LG display company's goal is in the first quarter of 2017…

Eight popular technology in the LED industry and analysis of the development trend in 2016

Is considered to be more difficult in 2015 has gone, looking back over the past, LED industry over the past year, showing the product prices continue to brush low, out of the tournament escalating, mergers and acquisitions continue to refresh the status quo. It seems that the LED industry is the transition to play the…

The second quarter of the global silicon wafer area shipments showed a rising trend

(SEMI) of the global semiconductor industry association Silicon Manufacturers Group (SMG) latest quarterly analysis shows that the second quarter of 2015 compared to the global silicon wafer area shipments in the first quarter showed a rising trend.The first quarter of 2015, total global silicon wafer area shipments have reached 2,637 one million square inches (million…

Paper-thin solar panels supply energy for the whole building

Recently, a team of scientists in Australia has developed an organic printable solar panels, although as Bohou only paper, but its power supply capacity is not bad, even laminated panels provide energy to an entire skyscraper buildings ʱ??The advantages of this cardboard is that of the solar cell, which can house the actual position of…

It expects 2020 global virtual reality industry to achieve $ 21.8 billion in revenue

July 30, according to foreign media reports, market research and consulting firm Tractica in a newly released report said that by 2020, consumer spending in virtual reality hardware and software will reach $ 21.8 billion.Tractica report, including Facebook's because the new Oculus Rift and Sony Project Morpheus, including virtual reality helmet will be on sale…

Toshiba announced the sale of some assets to improve financial predicament

Toshiba July 22 announced the sale of 4.6% stake held by the world's largest elevator manufacturer Kone, Finland (Kone) of approximately 860 million euros, in order to improve the financial situation.A day earlier, Toshiba president Hisao Tanaka officially announced his resignation, the Vice Chairman Norio Sasaki and Toshiba former president and current director of consultant…

US study of human chip: self-healing capability and improve immunity

People imagine Wolverine has self-healing ability, therefore, US researchers came up with a new approach. Plans to use the human body system developed a tiny chip implant. The chip will not only make people more healthy, easy to get sick, it can also be used to treat mental health disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder.http://www.lincomponents.com is…

Fingerprint recognition technology and the future of the field of conjecture available

Since Apple released iPhone 5s fingerprint recognition technology began to enter people's lives, then this technology is a very big impression on. In the next two years, fingerprint recognition technology began in the smart phone to the explosive growth trend, fingerprint identification has become a major selling point of the mobile phone conference. So fingerprint…

Microsoft intends to acquire AMD pass a few months ago the two sides to start negotiations

According to foreign media reports, the site reports that Microsoft intends to acquire chip maker AMD. Hardware, gaming news site Kitguru quoted a source as saying that Microsoft will acquire or AMD. Microsoft reported that several months ago had contact with AMD, but the outcome of the negotiations is not clear. Today, a number of…

Transmission speed laser LiFi University of Edinburgh super 100G / sec

Are you still as Wi-Fi signal and the signal is weak uneven regional distribution annoyed it? Li-Fi could be the answer. This technology uses LED-based interior lighting instead of radio waves for data transmission. But Li-Fi has been a major supporter of the vision over in LED, with laser-based lighting to achieve Li-Fi, data transmission…

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