
The Net, the Censorship and the Blogger.

Monday, 19 March 2007 Internet, is the fruit of one slow but inexorable evolution. From instrument in hand to little? l? original Arpanet has been transformed, in these last 25 years, diffused instrument, instrument of Internet freedom is freedom for definition. And the freedom, like very famous, can create of the problems and find obstacles. Internet, today, does not mean freedom for all. Some Countries, regimes, see it like enemy to fight or to submit to rigid controls. Countries as China and Iran practice to shapes of digital censorship them and, second a study realized from the “OpenNet Initiative” - plan whom it has seen been involved the school of law of Harvard and the university of Toronto, Cambridge and Oxford would not be the single ones to make it. In the new was of the digitalis they, one? other dozen of Countries systematically practices the censorship on Internet. From increasing tendency turns out to you of the search is emerged one from part of many Countries - like, beyond to China and Iran, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Uzbekistan - to limit the excessive freedom available in Net. The alarm of the “OpenNet Initiative” arrives to ridosso of the great clamour provoked from the decision of Turkey - decision revocata after quarantotto hours - to darken the situated “YouTube”, culprit to have given space to offensive material in the comparisons of the father of the nation Kemal Ataturk.The censori of it were computer science single do not prevent l? access to determines to you situated but they more use advanced technologies until arriving to the systematic strafing of the situated one to censure with demands for access and rendering it therefore inaccessible to others. Obviously, also the customers of the Countries that practice the censorship give to make in order to avoid and to go around the limitations and the controls being used, anch? they, the technology available. And? begun one new fight for the freedom. A fight that sees between the protagonists the tantissimi blogger that, also defying the censorship, crowds the net. The Blog is a true instrument of freedom, is the digital version them of the forbidden written ones of the past. The contrary written ones all? ortodossia and to the truth revealed. The history dell? man has been always characterized from the dichotomy? revealed truth? search of the acquaintance? , a dichotomy that it has seen to fall on the field illustrious victims which, as an example, Galileo and Lutero. From 2000 years to this part the crash between those who the truth, their truth defended to sword draft, and those who put it in doubt always has been one constant. The heretical ones, those who dared to refute the truth of Sistema, they were guides to you from their silks of acquaintance and theirs to act were not stiff to only search some l? infondatezza but also, and above all, to search of the foundations, l? origin and to diffuse turns out you of their search. These men, in the centuries, have been name to you with various names: heretical, wizards, similar sons of the demon and. Hour the history is repeated. From a part Sistema and dall? other those who of it does not accept the truth. Internet is the instrument that concurs with the Blogger to travel over again the road traced from? heretical? towards the acquaintance and the free transmission of the information. The Blogger is new the heretical one. L? heretical that although l? opened aversion of Sistema, it wants to demonstrate, as they have made in passed others, with its work that enforced Sistema can be put in argument without violence but with the simple force of the ideas. Now, the holders of the truth revealed, after the laicizzazione of the States, are not single the Clergy and the Pope. More in argument is not put the Truth capacity from the Church because that phase has been exceeded. And in order to exceed it there are intentional Wars, persecutions, fights fratricide and, obviously, tantissimi died. Hour the truth bearers, but perhaps also the manipulating and creators of truth, are the mass media, the newspapers, the radios and the televisions. The average is, on one side, the bearers of one truth of others (economic, political, social powers) and dall? other own truth is bearers of one (thoughts, as an example to the editorialisti). Dall? other part c? it is, instead, l? heretical of ready turn to refute the truth: the Blogger. The average reports the truth generally works them to the system, if then draft of organs of left quest? work of spread of truth still more is emphasized. I have always believed that the newspapers, but the average generally, had the task to clearly distinguish between the news and the comment, that is between the news and the vision that of that news of it who has the filler. Examinee carefully the behavior of the average evince that the indicated distinction does not exist. Not there is never the clean demarcation between news and comment. Not there is never the separation between the news and l? opinion of writing. Because of all that it is clear: everyone wants to always give of an own version and the launch of the news has been left the job of the press agencies. On one side all that could also positive being but dall? other is ominous. In fact, in an age in which l? Man escapes again the thought and the deep reflection, the premanifactured spread of truth does not stimulate l? critical analysis and the creation of one own opinion. This will carry, unavoidablly, to the contrast between the supporters dell? one or dell? other truth. She will arrive herself therefore to the crash between alignments lacking in propugnatori personalities but of the truth manifactured from others. But, hour the system has, in the Blogger, a new enemy (but exceptions, obviously). An enemy who places in critical and careful way revealed various nei confronts of the truth. An enemy who goes around the average and that he tries to give to the own opinion on the facts and the news. An enemy who, to the par of the rinascimentale Magus, has not stopped to think but that he wants to say its. This wants to be a praise to all those who has decided to say theirs and to diffuse their thought and their ideas. Personages opened to the comparison who believe that he is fundamental own opinion is made one and to share it with the others. Within the next few years riparleremo some but we can, hour, to assert that with Internet an enormous step has been made ahead in order to catch up and to guarantee one of the bench marks of the democracy: the acquaintance and, with it, the free circulation of the ideas. Example d? information. Berlusconi takes a walk in via Lead and steps on one involuntarily? cacca? of dog. The newspapers of it come to acquaintance and bring back the news. The right newspapers entitle the piece therefore:? Conspiracy of the left forcaiola against Berlusconi in order to put it in the cacca? The newspapers of left, instead:? Berlusconi is in the cacca? That is, no I point out truly to happened how much. The Blogger, that intellectually honest one, will write:? Berlusconi steps on one involuntarily cacca? The road towards the acquaintance and the true information is begun, perhaps the true democracy, that mature one, is not therefore far. To maiora.