Eating Healthy Diet

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Scam eBook Review

Everyone hates that lower roll of fat on our stomach. Its so hard to lose and looks disgusting. The problem is that there is no such thing as spot reducing. In other words you cant just choose one area on you're body and eliminate fat from there only.Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Fat Loss 4 Idiots Final Phase Fat Loss Fat Burning Furnace Every Other Day DietThat's probably why using all those ab machines and doing thousands of crunches or sit ups haven't worked for you. The secret is to raise you're metabolism by doing multi joint, whole body exercises, and by controlling you're diet using a few secret strategies.Firstly, whether you're male or female I would encourage you to begin doing weight training, dw you won't look like a bodybuilder or anything like that, however by doing multi joint, whole body exercises like squats, dead lifts, bench press, lunges, etc you will raise you metabolism for up to 48 hours after the workout. This will cause you're body to become a fat burning machine. Aim to do this 3 times a week.Secondly, try some high intensity, interval training. These workout will only take you 20 minutes, here's how it goes: try some high intensity running on a treadmill or just running for 30 seconds, then a slow jog for 2-3 minutes. Repeat these intervals for the 20 minutes.Lastly you diet needs to be taken care of, start eating more protein(fish, meat, chicken, lentils etc), and less saturated fat. Eat complex carbohydrates (brown rice, oats, pasta etc) instead of simple carbs (white bread, sweets etc). And also eat more omega 3 fats, and more fiber.