
Give Your Family the Gift of Health by Taking Chlorine Out of Drinking Water

Despite the fact that we use the chemical as a method of protecting our health, there are advantages to taking chlorine out of drinking water.I am not suggesting that we should forgo the important chlorine disinfection of our municipal water supply, because that would surely result in the death of millions.I am referring to removing the chemical on a smaller, and more personalized scale.The only control you have over the purity of the water you drink is your ability to filter out potentially harmful contamination as the water flows through your tap at home.There you have the power to determine for yourself that you will no longer expose your family to the high levels of chemical, pharmaceutical, and biological contamination present in our groundwater system.No one else is putting in much of an effort to help you.Taking chlorine out of drinking water is absolutely impossible to do from a standpoint of preventing the spread of waterborne diseases.Without the protection that this chemical provides literally millions of us would get sick, and many of the very young, the very old, and those people with a compromised immune system would quite possibly die.Removing this chemical from the water all together would be a disaster.You have to remember always that despite all of the good it does for us, chlorine is a known carcinogen. It is one of more than two thousand carcinogenic chemical agents currently present in our water supply, while tens of thousands of other chemical toxins have also been identified.Despite the danger that all of these chemicals pose, it is literally impossible for the treatment facilities to remove them.Taking chlorine out of drinking water all together is impossible due to the fact that the filtering system used by the treatment facilities cannot remove most liquids from the water, and are incapable of capturing microscopic particles and organisms as well.This means that the vast majority of the contaminants present in the water supply are going to reach you in your home, and your place of business.I don't know how your boss would feel about installing tap water purifiers at work for taking chlorine out of drinking water, but you certainly could suggest it. Installing one in your home is a decision that is entirely your own, and it would be a wise decision to make.You cannot continue on day after day allowing your loved ones to drink from a tap that is continuously spewing out chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs, chlorine disinfectant resistant parasites, and toxic heavy metals.A high quality tap water filter for taking chlorine out of drinking water will remove up to 99.99% of all contaminants using a combination of granular activated carbon, sub micron filtration technology, and ion exchange.A filter such as this one will not only remove the health threat currently present in your water, but will also inject healthy minerals into your drink and keep your pH levels balanced.Having one of these appliances in your home is a winning situation.