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The reading stone we know as a magnifying

cauterize wounds.The reading stone we know as a magnifying glass was developed around 1000 A.D. Reading material was magnified by placing a round piece of glass up to the letters. These sphere shaped glass objects were called reading stones. Later the Venetians would produce glass for these reading stones and later cheap fake oakleys. develop lenses to be held in front of the eyes instead of placing the stones directly on the reading material. If we look at China's history we know sunglasses were used in the 12th century or perhaps even earlier. The Chinese made lenses out of flat panes of smoky quartz. The smoky quartz lenses were worn by Chinese judges used to hide their facial expressions when they questioned witnesses. However, historians have been able to conclude that the actual spectacle apparatus must have been invented sometime in the late 13th century.  We do know that eyeglasses were a luxury item and a statement replica oakleys cheap. of wealth and prominence as the spectacles (eyeglasses) were owned and worn only by well educated, very rich or influential well read clergy. This can be seen in a 1352 fresco painted by artist monk Tommaso Da Modena where he portrayed a clergyman wearing a pair of glasses leaning over an old manuscript. About a century later Gutenberg invented the printing press. With volumes upon volumes of books being printed this would make a mark in eyeglass history. With so many books taking to print the use of reading glasses would find its' way down through the ranks of society. No longer were they just for the "rich" or inhabitants of monasteries alone fake oakleys outlet. but needed by everyday people. There still remains a shroud of mystery around the actual inventor of eye spectacles which later becomes known as eyeglasses. The inventor of one of the greatest inventions of all time may have been a monk, jewelry smith, scientist or commoner; but, historians are