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here are many things to consider

here are many things to consider when searching for a pair of sunglasses. If you want your shades to look great on you, these factors must be considered. You should begin with the shape of your face. If you have a rounder face, you should avoid large round lenses. Rectangular or oval lenses work well for this type of face. Generally, the rounder the face, the more you want the sunglasses to slenderize your features. Sunglasses with brow bars do this well, and be sure to choose glasses that are wider than the widest part of your face. If you happen to have a longer, more slender face, you want to be sure your sunglasses do not highlight these characteristics. fake oakleys. Round or square lenses will work well with these features. If you have a more oval-shaped face, any frame and lens style will likely work well. Skin tone should also affect the sunglasses you choose. Frames that are red or brown work well for lighter tones, but blue, green and black should be avoided, as should clear frames. Darker complexions will find brown frames are best along with metallic frames. Complexions between the two will do well with metallic colors as well as clear frames, but black should be avoided if possible.  Next, you will need to consider your hairstyle fake oakleys outlet. when choosing 2014 oakleys. your sunglasses. Those with short hair may want to try bolder, more adventurous styles of glasses. With longer hair, you will want to consider how the frames look with your hair both up and down. Curly hair tends to work well with smaller, more delicate frames.