
What UV Mercury curable ink component adversely affecting print quality

Today, AOpen printing supplies in here to talk to you in greater detail what is ink will adversely affecting print quality, so that everyone got a full understanding of printer ink, at the time of purchase you can buy the right to use the ink. We need to pay attention to is that some pigment inks may be water based inks can also have an oily ink, but from the nature itself and the actual requirements of the printer, water based ink and solvent based ink is absolutely not allowed to mix in the same print head. There are 5 main factors that affect the quality of UV Mercury curable ink: dispersant, conductivity, PH value, viscosity, surface tension. Dispersant: a surfactant, its role is to improve the physical properties of ink surface, enhancing the compatibility of ink with a sponge and wet sex. So generally through the cavernous storage and conductive inks contain dispersant.URL: http://www.werinks.com/ Related Website: http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/electronic3/diary/201408200001/