=WeAvEr Of DeStInY=


E'il vampiro Lestat che vi parla. Voglio che per coloro che ancora non mi conoscono, questo sia amore a prima vistaScelti dalle Tenebre"Lestat, il peccato ha sempre la parvenza del bene" [...] "Lestat, siamo complici nel peccato" mi disse sorridendo "lo siamo sempre stati. Tutti e due ci siamo comportati male, siamo riprovevoli. é questo che ci lega."Adesso era il mio turno di apparire triste e ferito. E il momento aureo era passato irreparabilmente ... A meno che accadesse qualcosa di nuovo." In gioventù ero un buon tiratore, e un buon attore. Adesso sono un buon vampiro. Tutto sta a intendersi sul significato della parola "buono" Intervista col vampiroLouis: we can't begin this way, let me turn on the light interviewer: I though vampires don't like light. Louis: Oh, really? We love it. ... interviewer: what about crucifixes? Louis: crucifixes? interviewer: can you look at them? Louis: Actually, I'm quite fond of looking at crucifixes interviewer: And the stake through the heart? Louis : nonsense. interviewer: And coffins? Louis: Coffins, unfortunately, are a necessity ... Il ladro di corpi"Non posso, o meglio, non voglio. [...]. Lestat, tu hai realizzato il nostro sogno! Non te ne rendi conto? Ce l'hai fatta! Sei rinato come uomo mortale. Un mortale forte ed attraenteBlood Canticle<<I WANT to be a saint. I want to have souls by the millions. I want to do good far and wide. I want to fight evil! I want my life-sized statue in every church. I'm talking six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes.Wait a second.Do you know who I am?I'm thinking maybe you're a new reader and you've never heard of me.Well, if that's the case, allow me to introduce myself, which I absolutely crave doing at the beginning of every one of my books.I'm the vampire LESTAT, the most potent and lovable vampire ever created, a supernatural knockout, two hundred years old but fixed forever in the form of a twenty-year-old male with features and figure you'd die for - and just might. I'm endlessy resourceful, and undeniably charming. Death, desease, time, gravity, they mean nothing to me. Only two things are my enemy: daylight, because it renders me completely lifeless and vulnerable to the burning rays of the sun, and conscience. In other words, I'm condemned inhabitant of eternal night and eternally tormented blood seeker.Doesn't that make me sound irresistible?>>