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Amazon Cloud Player: First Impressions

Post n°11 pubblicato il 29 Marzo 2011 da eojnuakhtpfb
Tag: fatina

Cloud Player is a fully functional, very usable streaming music player that could even make iTunes obsolete for many people, and its ability to play on-device and cloud-based music could quickly make it .

Amazon has thrown down the gauntlet and set a high bar for cloud-based music streaming.Apple and Google, which are expected to launch their own cloud players sometime this year, will have to match Amazon on usability and price if they're going to compete.

Amazon can't rest on its laurels though; Apple will surely harness its control of the iPhone, iTunes and iOS to boost its own offering and give the shopping giant a run for its money.

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Cow that escaped slaughterhouse has new adventure

Post n°10 pubblicato il 06 Febbraio 2011 da eojnuakhtpfb
Tag: friuli

BILLINGS, Mont. – Five years after a cow dubbed the "Unsinkable Molly B" leapt a slaughterhouse gate and swam across the Missouri River in an escape that drew international attention, the heifer has again eluded fate, surviving the collapse of the animal sanctuary where she was meant to retire.

Molly B was among an estimated 1,200 animals removed from the Montana Large Animal Sanctuary and Rescue in recent weeks as part of a massive effort to bail out its overwhelmed owners.

Animal welfare groups said they were forced to euthanize dozens of starving and ill cattle, horses and llamas found on the 400-acre sanctuary in rural Sanders County.

The bovine celebrity herself - an overweight black Angus breed said to be sore in the hoof but otherwise relatively healthy - was removed to a nearby ranch and is headed this week to a smaller farm sanctuary.

"Molly B made it OK. She's a tough old broad," said Jerry Finch with Habitat for Horses of Hitchcock, Texas, who participated in the rescue effort. "She had bad feet, but she was not anywhere near as bad as some of the others."

Molly B's relocation to a 20-acre ranchette known as the New Dawn MT Sanctuary has proven an adventure in its own right. Local media stories had trumpeted her arrival at the Stevensville facility last week, including photos said to be of Molly B and new friend "Misty."

Yet when New Dawn owner Susan Eakins watched one of the reports on the nightly news, video of the cow climbing a hill revealed the sanctuary had gotten the wrong animal - a male steer named "Big Mike." A mix-up left Molly B behind on another ranch.

Her home since 2006, near the small town of Hot Springs, in recent years had grown into a sort of Noah's Ark-gone-wild - more than 600 llamas; at least 100 horses, donkeys and cattle; and a motley assortment of bison, camels, exotic rodents and other furry and feathered beasts.

Many of the animals were breeding. Rescuers said that allowed the sanctuary population to multiply unchecked, setting the stage for conditions to deteriorate rapidly after one of the facility's two full-time employees fell ill last year. As the situation worsened, word circulated among animal rescue groups across the country.

Patty Finch with the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries said by the time she called the Montana facility in late November to offer help, many of its animals were sick, dying or struggling to survive in increasingly cramped quarters.

"Molly is a good representative of what a betrayal it was to each of these animals. The sanctuary should be a line in the sand that means never again should you suffer," said Patty Finch, who said she has no relation to Jerry Finch.

Molly B's second retirement will start another chapter in an unlikely story that began January 2006, when a yet-to-be-named 1,200 pound heifer skipped her date with doom by leaping a 5-foot-5-inch fence at Mickey's Packing Plant in Great Falls.

The cow raced through town with police and animal control on her heels, reportedly running into a conflict with a German Shepherd, dodging an SUV and negotiating through a rail yard. She swam across the Missouri River and later took three tranquilizer darts before eventually getting corralled.

Mickey's Packing Plant employees christened the spirited cow Molly B and voted 10-1 to spare her from slaughter.

A less formal vote on Molly B's fate came out in her favor this weekend. New Dawn owner Eakins said after a heart-to-heart with her husband over whether they could afford to take another cow into their 50-animal operation, the couple decided to make it work. "We made a commitment to her," Eakins said.



New Dawn MT Sanctuary:The Ballad of Molly B:

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Steelers C Pouncey misses another practice

Post n°9 pubblicato il 06 Febbraio 2011 da eojnuakhtpfb
Tag: fed

FORT WORTH, Texas – Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey got treatment for his sprained left ankle while his teammates practiced Thursday for the Super Bowl.

Pouncey's availability is in question because of the injury sustained in the AFC championship.

"It's getting to be the witching hour for Maurkice," coach Mike Tomlin told a pool reporter after practice. "He's going to have to show us something very soon."

If he can't play Sunday, Doug Legursky would make his first NFL start at center.

Defensive end Aaron Smith, who has been out since Oct. 24 with a torn triceps muscle, didn't participate in scrimmages.

Ben Roethlisberger threw touchdowns on four straight red-zone series and was sharp throughout the workout. The first-team defense snagged four interceptions against scout-team quarterbacks.

"I'm glad we were sharp, but I'm not sure it really means anything for the game," Tomlin said. "I've seen us practice great on Thursday and play poorly on Sunday, and then I've seen us practice not worth anything Thursday and then come out and play great."

The Steelers worked out at TCU's indoor practice field. Horned Frogs coach Gary Patterson, several assistants and a few players watched.

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Mubarak's men key to US reform hopes in Egypt

Post n°8 pubblicato il 06 Febbraio 2011 da eojnuakhtpfb

WASHINGTON – Seeking reform in Egypt, the U.S. increasingly is counting on a small cadre of President Hosni Mubarak's closest advisers to guide a hoped-for transition from autocracy to democracy.

It's a plan that relies on long relationships with military men and bureaucrats who owe their professional success to Mubarak's iron rule. To the regret of some U.S. diplomats, it's also a plan that steers around the Muslim Brotherhood, the powerful Islamist political movement that almost surely would play a central role in any future popularly chosen government.

Not that Washington has much choice.

Mubarak has so smothered potential political opposition that there is no clear alternative for the U.S. as a bargaining partner, even if dealing with aging Mubarak stalwarts reduces U.S. credibility with Egyptians fed up with the Mubarak era.

The Obama administration's telephone diplomacy this past week was indicative of the American strategy to keep Egypt from tearing itself apart.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden spoke to Omar Suleiman, Egypt's 74-year-old intelligence chief who became vice president last week and Biden talked with him again Saturday. Defense Secretary Robert Gates chatted with his 85-year-old counterpart, Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi. Joint Chiefs chairman Adm. Mike Mullen discussed the situation with Egypt's top military official, Lt. Gen. Sami Anan, 62. Another key figure is Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, a 69-year-old former Air Force chief.

U.S. diplomatic cables released by the WikiLeaks website encapsulate part of the problem with trusting these men to be the head ushers of democratic and economic change.

Beyond the generational split with young protesters disgruntled by years of harsh unemployment, inequality and political repression, the Mubarak men belong to a military elite whose wealth and power are inextricably linked to the 82-year-old president.

"Egypt's military is in decline," a 2008 U.S. cable says, summarizing a series of conversations with academics and analysts. The memo cites a professor in Egypt as saying "the sole criteria for promotion is loyalty and the ... leadership does not hesitate to fire officers it perceives as being `too competent' and who therefore potentially pose a threat to the regime."

Yet the military's authority remains strong and its interests in Egypt vast. Mubarak built an army of almost a half-million men that holds large stakes in the water, olive oil, cement, construction, hotel and gasoline industries.

A diplomatic cable also describes large land holdings of the military along the Nile Delta and the Red Sea, and suggests that the top brass would not be served by important change toward democracy and freer markets.

Most analysts agree that the military "generally opposes economic reforms," according to the U.S. diplomatic correspondence.

The exchanges describe an Egypt ripe for political unrest. A 2007 note from the U.S. ambassador at time, Francis J. Ricciardone, said Mubarak's "reluctance to lead more boldly" was hurting his effectiveness.

Ricciardone singled out Egypt's elite 40,000-member counterterror police as he described a "culture of impunity." The ambassador noted that the Egyptian government shut down a human rights group that had helped the family of a detainee killed in 2003. The officers were exonerated of torture and murder charges.

The cables also provide glimpses of the difficult environment for Egypt's bloggers and journalists. During protests in Cairo this past week, pro-government mobs beat, threatened and intimidated reporters attempting to inform the world of the unfolding events in the country.

In one cable, an Egyptian blogger complained to the U.S. Embassy after YouTube and Google removed videos from his blog apparently showing a Bedouin shot by Egyptian police and thrown on a garbage dump, and another one of a woman being tortured in a police station.

The cables contain mixed assessments of some of those being counted on to lead Egypt's transition after six decades when the country's four presidents all came from the officer corps.

Suleiman, referred to as the "Mubarak consigliere," comes out better than others. He is described as disappointed as far back as 2007 that he had yet to be named vice president. Yet on first glance, he seems an ideal candidate to guide Egypt through an unstable period.

At a time when Mubarak's son Gamal was being promoted as a future president, a U.S. cable says Suleiman "would at the least have to figure in any succession scenario."

"He could be attractive to the ruling apparatus and the public at large as a reliable figure unlikely to harbor ambitions for another multi-decade presidency," according to the cable.

But it is unclear what that will mean now as thousands of Egyptians demand Mubarak's immediate resignation.

There's little indication Suleiman will show his longtime boss the door, even if Obama administration officials are discussing options that include having Mubarak step aside now for a transitional government headed by Suleiman.

"His loyalty to Mubarak seems rock-solid," a cable written four years ago concludes.

Under one proposal, Mubarak would hand his powers to his vice president, though not his title immediately, to give the ruler a graceful exit.

Suleiman has offered negotiations with all political forces, including protest leaders and the regime's top foe, the Muslim Brotherhood. He's spoken of independent supervision of elections, loosening restrictions on who can run for president and term limits for leaders.

He has some support.

Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei, a former U.N. atomic energy chief and Nobel peace laureate, said he respects Suleiman as a possible negotiating partner. Some protesters have backed the idea of Suleiman playing a leading role in the transition; others see him too much of a Mubarak government figure and want him out, along with the president.

Then there's Tantawi, known among younger servicemen as "Mubarak's poodle," according to one informant. His unbending support for Mubarak is described in worse terms.

"`This incompetent defense minister'" who reached his position only because of unwavering loyalty to Mubarak is `running the military into the ground,'" a U.S. diplomat wrote, relaying the assessment of an unidentified professor in Egypt.

Tantawi reached out to the demonstrators Friday by visiting the square that has been the rallying point for Cairo's protests. He held friendly but heated discussions, telling people that most of their demands have been met and they should go home. "The people and the army are one hand!" they chanted during Tantawi's brief stop.

Anan is largely respected among U.S. officials. The cables spare him the harsh criticism doled out to Tantawi, who is lambasted in various memos as the chief impediment to modernizing Egypt's military.

But the fear of American officials illustrated throughout the notes — and offered by the Mubarak government as its main excuse for resisting democracy — is the threat posed by the Muslim Brotherhood.

U.S. officials say there have been no contacts with the hardline Islamist movement. It has formed the most organized opposition to Mubarak's three-decade autocracy but opposes much of the U.S. agenda in the region, such as Arab-Israeli peace efforts.

"The specter of an MB presidency haunts secular Egyptians," a cable noted. Still, it said such a development was "highly unlikely" and that the military wouldn't support an extremist takeover.

But avoiding talks with the group could be a mistake for the U.S., if it means a missed opportunity for some influence with a group that could become a dominant force in Egypt's future.

The United States has confirmed discussions with ElBaradei, who has "captured the imagination of some section of the secular elite that wants democracy but is wary of the popularity of the Muslim Brotherhood," according to a February 2010 cable.

ElBaradei's biggest challenge would be mustering credibility among Egyptians on the streets, it predicted. The jury is still out on that question, even if the Muslim Brotherhood has expressed support for ElBaradei as an acceptable point-man for leading the pro-democracy movement. The military's view of him hasn't really been made clear.

Ultimately, the protests haven't made Egypt's post-Mubarak future any clearer. What's obvious now is that neither Mubarak will run in September elections. But no one knows how the military will react to possibly months more of instability.

"In a messier succession scenario," a 2008 cable noted, "it becomes more difficult to predict the military's actions."

"While midlevel officers do not necessarily share their superiors' fealty to the regime," it is "unlikely that these officers could independently install a new leader."

They military won't have to act alone, and no officials are warning of a military coup. But the military elite's reticence for change could prove a hindrance to democratic transformation.

U.S. officials consistently have criticized the government's response to the crisis, and officials say Suleiman's outreach efforts have been too narrow and not credible enough to gain widespread support and usher in real democracy.

As for Mubarak, who said in an ABC interview Thursday that Egypt would slip into chaos if he didn't serve out his remaining seven months, the cables suggest he never really had a succession plan — long "the elephant in the room of Egyptian politics."

"Mubarak himself seems to be trusting to God and the inertia of the military and civilian security services to ensure an orderly transition," a 2007 cable said.


Associated Press writer Douglas Birch contributed to this report.

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Homeowners Near 6 Nations Venues in Prime Position to Profit

Post n°7 pubblicato il 03 Febbraio 2011 da eojnuakhtpfb
Tag: attenti

With rugby fans from Wales, Scotland, Ireland, England, Italy and France descending upon the UK to watch the Six Nations in the weeks ahead, homeowners living in the vicinity of the stadia are in a prime position to profit.New website,, enables people living in areas close to sporting and other events to rent out their property for short time periods — a weekend, a few nights, a week or even fortnight (well, you may live in Wimbledon!) — and make a good return with minimum fuss.

(PRWeb UK) February 1, 2011

With rugby fans from Wales, Scotland, Ireland, England, Italy and France descending upon the UK to watch thein the weeks ahead, homeowners living in the vicinity of the stadia are in a prime position to profit.

New website,, enables people living in areas close to sporting and other events to rent out their property for short time periods — a weekend, a few nights, a week or even fortnight (well, you may live in Wimbledon!) — and make a good return with minimum fuss.

With quality accommodation always in short supply in the vicinity of the Six Nations stadia, and even the capital cities themselves, and popularity of the tournament higher than ever, more and more local residents are seeking to cash in by offering .

Now, with, the first accommodation website in the UK where properties are searchable by event — sporting, literary, cultural or otherwise — it has become considerably easier for homeowners to find a discerning clientele.

Homeowners already using are making an average of £500 per night, depending on numbers, with some making more than £1500 for a weekend. In many cases, they are choosing to rent out their properties while holidaying abroad, thereby part-funding the trip. charges property owners 15% of the rental fee for its managed booking service, considerably less than the 20%–35% charged by many holiday rental companies. It provides plenty of advice to new and existing home-owning users of the service and can additionally offer a full tenant vetting service. In all rentals, a security deposit is taken from tenants ensuring additional peace of mind.

Camilla Shaughnessy, founder of , comments: “The Six Nations is one of the biggest sporting events of the year and attendances in 2011 are set to be higher than ever, but at the same time goodis still notoriously difficult to find. With the still very difficult economic times we’re in, renting out your home on a short-term basis around a match can be a great way to generate some extra cash, from several hundred to more than a thousand pounds for just a weekend.”


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