Dreams data base

Was my dream a premonition?

 We all dream when sleeping, alternating phases of deep- sleep and dreaming- sleep. The morning after, some of us remember all dreams others forget them completely.For those who “don’t dream much” is quite easy understand when they have a premonitory dream: it must be the only one they can remember! For the others, it’s little more complicate, although the premonitory dreams revel themselves enough clearly.In this and next messages I’ll write how to distinguish premonitory dreams. First, if you already had premonitory dreams you must know that it can happen again!              Those that never had before can try to distinguish them by the examples I’ll write and some of you will send.First example:I sit on my bed, sweating, I am not even sure that I’m in my home, in my room.I wonder if switch the light on (it could painfully blind me) or think back to my dream. Slowly my breath is becoming regular and I’m finally sure that it was a dream. But what made me feel so afraid? Why I thought I was in the real world. I remember only few confused flashes of my dream. Was it really so awful? I remember dark leaves from were, suddenly, a car lights break out too near to let me escape…….An open window, I’m trying to avoid some one to flight through….. A stair I’m trying to climb painfully.Those few flashes are significant, are those I ask you to send me (don’t forget date and hour) . Those flashes are clear, the clearest you can remember, and the only ones you will remember after awake.