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Depending on the social status 2

The Twi'lek have a very unusual look for humanoids and are known for mastering most of the possible professions in Star Wars universe. They are equally good in cognitive and physical abilities and are more agile than any other existing race. Unfortunately, because of their looks and natural beauty they’re often used as slaves. They use their lekku (the two “head tails” that may be seen from the back) for communication and sensory organs. Their skin pigmentation is also quite unusual. Depending on the social status and even on the the Twi'lek’s character the color of their skin may be different. For example it is considered that Twi'lek with the red skin color is far more aggressive than his brethren with green colored skin.http://ierf.org/index.php/member/3446/ http://simonworld.mu.nu/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=565665 http://www.contactenergy.co.nz/web/forum/user/editDone/30270.page http://community.stencyl.com/index.php?action=profile;u=47814 http://www.derangedrecords.com/index.php/member/4349/For centuries they lived on the planet of Ryloth in peace and harmony until they were found by the Republic. It was then when the rare spice – Ryll was discovered and in short time the Twi'lek were forced to work on the mines by the cruel Hutt and they were enslaved. Some of them had to work on their home planet but others were sold on the slave market. Unfortunately, these days despite the fact that there are plenty of free Twi'leks there has been not a single attempt to free their home planet of Ryloth. The Rattaki race in Star Wars is a race that is perfectly suited for a battle. They look a lot like humans but their skin is much paler. They are talented warriors and they are considered one of the most brutal and fierce races in Star Wars universe.http://www.quixey.com/partner/2070051744 http://www.myplan.com/community/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=323122 http://www.tischler-on-tour.de/schreinerei.php/member/5418/ http://www.digitaltourbus.com/forum/profile.php?id=25761 http://devio.us/~nextvolume/via_arm/profile.php?action=get&id=2595 http://www.nextcare.com/index.php/member/3177/They live in the Outer Rim and for centuries they lived in isolation. On their home planet they had to live under the surface because they were driven there by hideous creatures and the storms that tore apart the entire planet’s surface. They had to fight with themselves for rare resources. This tough situation made those who survived the battles between them and with monsters stronger. In time the Rattataki were united By Rattatak a tribal warlord and with everybody’s help he fought these monsters and drove them back.http://www.megindo.net/smf2/index.php?action=profile;area=summary;u=6766 http://www.studyabroad.com/members/hamneroluyg/default.aspx http://sodmg.com/member/hamneroluyg http://forum.bidorbuy.co.za/members/hamneroluyg.htmlThe rattataki have built mighty fortresses to defend themselves and named themselves after the great warlord. After this the tribes had the freedom to explore the galaxy and many rattatak people settled on newly discovered worlds. Some of them became acolytes of the Vich – a Sith Lord and more of the Rattatak became warriors for his personal army. Unfortunately, they failed to gain power along with the Sith Lord and most of them were destroyed. The maralukas in Star Wars: The Old Republic are a lot like humans. They are powerful warriors who can use the power of the Force. They don’t have eyes. Instead they use the Force to see everything that surrounds them. That is why their upper face is coverer.http://www.kitguru.net/forum/members/hamneroluyg.html http://www.chimpexpress.com/profile/preview.html?user_id=1835 http://www.phillipmargolin.com/forum/userinfo.aspx?id=3152 http://www.threetreesdontmakeaforest.org/threetrees.php/member/9165/The maralukas are former humans who were able to evolve into something far more superior. They do not have eyes from birth because their home planet doesn’t have a sun and there’s no light there. They had to adapt to these conditions and in time they’ve learned to see without using their eyes and with the help of the Force. Some of them are a part of the Jedi group. They tend to be closer to the Jedi Order as one of the Sith lords destroyed one of their colonies. Until that they were pretty much isolated and didn’t have contacts with other humans outside the Jedi Order. It is known that the maraluka people helped rebuilding the Jedi Order. Also they helped the Republic in the Great War.http://www.pcdsupport.org.uk/index.php/member/2866/ http://www.binaryboy.com/forum/member.php?23474-hamneroluyg http://rbl.net/index.php/member/10381 http://www.incredibleforum.com/forum/members/hamneroluyg.html http://www.sgbc.sg/index.php/member/5991/They’ve proven themselves as unmatched warriors and as Jedi they are strong in the Force. The lack of eyesight makes them use the Force with trust and thus they can rely on it in full. They are tough fighters and represent a serious threat to any Sith or any enemy they will encounter. Zabrak is one of the many species in Star Wars and in Star Wars: The Old Republic it’s one of the many playable races. The zabrak’s are known for independence and faith in determination.http://textransition.net/forum/profile.php?action=get&id=1999 http://www.u.arizona.edu/~phlee/xenonapp/forums5/xenon/profile.php?action=get&id=12819 http://www.arpin.com/index.php/member/3410 http://bbs.archbang.org/profile.php?id=7259 http://www.officialplaystationmagazine.co.uk/forum/member.php?u=3647They are tough fighter and whatever it takes to defeat their opponent. They do a lot of training in the martial arts so they’re able to fight even the toughest enemies. Also they have the second heart and they are resistant to pain. They strive to be first in everything they do with all the means necessary and no matter how hard are difficulties. They are proud of their people’s history and this makes them in some cases look arrogant. Their faces are covered with tattoos and horns.http://www.latechbbb.com/forum/member.php?27962-hamneroluyg http://www.cryptologic.com/index.php/member/4998/ http://culturecollide.com/index.php/member/4511/ http://www.cmstorm.com/forum/member.php?u=34197 http://www.bankster.tv/index.php?action=profile;u=6131The horns grow in time and the tattoos are made during a special ceremony. The tattoos represent the owner’s experience and the path of life. They are strong willed and this makes them effective warriors and very popular among Empire and Republic ranks. Sometimes they work as mercenaries to get as more credits as possible. It is important to know that zabrak were one of the first races in the Star Wars universe who began exploring space and before meeting the Republic they were able to build a number of colonies outside their main home world.http://beckham-magazine.com/forums/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=49567 http://www.nonoba.com/hamneroluyg http://www.anophthalmia.org/forum/member.php?u=9998 http://www.crestcleaners.com/index.php/member/3889/Smugglers' approach to exchanges of fire is tricky and full of improvisation. Preferring to deal with difficulties with a benefit for themselves, Smugglers often use the element of surprise through stealth and tricks catching their enemies unprepared. However, in spite of their insidious tactics, they are quite capable of honest fight. Quickly grabbing weapons and rapidly firing blasters, Smugglers are usually the ones who shoots first and remain the last survivor. Originally designed to stun or neutralize targets for quick escape, Smugglers' techniques also can be used to gain extra time for more careful targeting and often for a lethal shot at the head. Instead of relying on the movement hampering heavy armor, Smugglers prefer fast maneuvering and using objects around to find the best position.http://forums.thesecretworld.com/member.php?u=73700 http://challenges-program.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=10922 http://www.howtogeek.com/forum/profile/hamneroluyg http://sportsnation.espn.go.com/fans/hamneroluyg/blog http://www.good.is/community/hamneroluygShooting reflexively and instinctively, smugglers shoot sharp at any angle from around any corner. Fast, easy-going and always lucky, smugglers can pop out from behind to cover several opponents with a flurry of blaster shots. Such a maneuver breaks the rows of the enemy, and covering fire gives the Smuggler's allies time to start a counterattack. Specializations Gunslinger The master of clever shots, always the first to rush into the shelter and ready to take advantage of any opportunity in combat, the Gunslinger and his pair of blasters are a perfect team. The Gunslinger may shoot the enemie's legs to keep him at a distance, blind him, not allowing to use the weapons, or cause serious injury to maximally distract people's attention.http://figment.com/users/203603-hamneroluyg http://americanpregnancy.org/forums/member.php?144787-hamneroluyg http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=69057 http://britishcouncil.home.pl/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=27303There is always a great way to end any controversy, and the Gunslinger knows it as well as the fitting of his ship. Scoundrel The Scoundrel doesn't have time to show courtesy or to be an honest fighter. In addition to the faithful blaster, the Scoundrel has a belt that makes him invisible, a stunning shotgun and a first aid kit - everything you need to quietly steal up to the enemy, catch him off guard and get out alive. Invisibility works fine, and even when the Sith are rushing through the air, waving their light swords, they surprisingly discover that a shot from the Scoundrel's shotgun sends them to the flight back. A Scoundrel always shoots first. The article opens our combat tactics overview of all the classes and their specializations.http://developer.billboard.com/profile/profile/475646 http://hamneroluyg.newgrounds.com/ http://hamneroluyg.autisable.com/ http://www.indabamusic.com/people/810479368 http://www.ucan.org/user/hamneroluyg