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The movie has several great scenes, like a spy robot getting into Air Force one, hacking the computer system and copying all the protected data, all the while changing shapes several times.If you have some time to kill and if you enjoy watching Sci-fi, get a the love boat dvd of transformers – certainly it is not a time waster.Directed by Michael Bay and written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, this movie has some good dose of fantasy, the silliness of a teenage boy, and the some great graphic works that you can't miss.A Quick Look into DVD Movie FormatsDVD means Digital Versatile Disk or Digital Video Disk. Users can store, record, erase and re -record the data items in a    the adventures of sherlock holmes. The storage capacity of DVD is very huge when compared to Compact Discs.There are many law and order dvd formats like DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-ROM. Do you know why these much standards are using in this industry?Each manufacturer chooses his own formats as his standard. But the users are waiting to see which one will be the industry standard. Each format represents a unique way of storing data in the DVD's.