wedding dresses

if korean fashion you exhaust yourself with trying to be “nice”

Your wedding might be “tacky” in one person's eyes, and “lavish” in another's. Your wedding dress won't be someone else's style, your sister might loathe the flowers. You wedding might be too simple, too complex, too wild, too plain…in someone else's eyes it could be anything. Don't get me wrong, it is good to be considerate of other people's wants/opinions/feelings. But being considerate is a different kettle of fish from being a people pleaser. And if you do try to please beautiful dresses everyone, then you run the risk of pleasing no one at all, including you and your (future) spouse. You might start thinking that the wedding belongs to everybody but yourselves, part of the fun of planning may be lost, and you could get very, very tired. source So you know what?Really, truly, you are not going to please everyone, and you shouldn't try. These people will get over it if they don't completely love something at your wedding, but if korean fashion you exhaust yourself with trying to be “nice” and please every single person, then you might end up not truly pleasing anyone at all in the end. So accept your limits, get over the false guilt, take a breath and make some choices without the people-pleasing goblins hanging over your head. Trust me, you'll feel much better. Now I'm off to take a dose of my own medicine and tackle some of those choices! Have you become vulnerable to Prom Dresses the trap of people-pleasing while planning your wedding? Brow Wow wedding dresses Alright, considering I desperately need to do my eyebrows, I think it's time for another tutorial! My current eyebrow monstrosity is now your gain.Ya welcome. Before I get started, let's chronicle my eyebrow trials and tribulations, via Paint: (click for full sized terror) Exhibit A: As a Party Favors child, I had monster brows, complete with teeth (creative license?). I now like to refer to them as “Bert and Ernie eyebrows” (really, more Bert, less Ernie), but unlike Bert and Ernie, they were neither fun nor friendly. They were big, they were scary, and yes, they were hairy. Not cute. source Exhibit B: From the age of 12 through 15 I suffered from a rare ailment that can only be called “InvisiBrow”.The characteristics of invisibrow are as follows: pencil Wedding Invitation thin eyebrows resulting in limited facial expression with an acute similarity to one Whoopi Goldberg. As much as I love Ghost, this was not a good look for me. source Exhibit C: I call this look “The Sharpie Brow” because that is precisely what it looks like.They're sharp, they're black, they're drawn to hell and back. They're a no-no. Just say no. source As you can see, the brows and I have gone through a lot together.