
FRANCE: Xavier Emmanuelli slams the door of the Samu Social

Emmanuelli, founder of the Samu Social de Paris, announced in an interview published Wednesday he will resign as president of the structure he created in 1993. Former Secretary of State for Humanitarian Action, aged 72, give the reasons for the lack of support from the state to an association created to help the poor in the capital. "It's more manageable," he says to Charlie Hebdo."The social emergency, no one believes." Bertrand Delanoƫ, mayor of Paris, paid tribute in a statement to the action of Emmanuelli and regrets also an insufficient commitment from the government. "The resignation comes at a difficult for the Samu Social, while the government has greatly reduced the resources allocated to housing emergency," wrote Bertrand Delanoe. "Today, the care of children, women and homeless men, which is the full responsibility of the state, saw an unprecedented crisis which will only increase with the onset of winter "the statement said. "This situation has dramatic consequences for hundreds of families in great difficulty which is given to the street with their children or placed in hospital emergency rooms," the mayor of Paris. Martine Aubry, the Socialist candidate for the presidential election of 2012, for his part, said in a statement that the resignation of Emmanuelli was an "alarm" and denounced disengagement "unacceptable" state of emergency accommodation. This disengagement is the failure to assist a person in danger, said the former first secretary of the PS.