
Arrested a second suspect after the murder of two French tourists

A man was arrested on the night of Monday to Tuesday in the Argentine province of Salta (northern) part of the investigation into the deaths of two French tourists whose bodies were discovered Friday, said the Information Office the federal courts. "A man was arrested for the murder of French tourists. This was decided by the judge in Salta Martin Perez.This took place in the Monday night "to Tuesday, the office said on its website. "The suspect will be questioned in the coming hours by the magistrate," the source said, without providing further details on the suspect. A renter of horses previously arrested Sunday night in the same survey was released Monday for lack of evidence. The body of Cassandra Bouvier, 29, and Houria Moumni, 24, with bullet holes, were found Friday at the site of hiking on Mount San Lorenzo, 12 km west of Salta (1600 km north Buenos Aires).One victim, shot in the forehead, showed signs of sexual abuse. The Foreign Minister of Argentina, Hector Timerman, expressed in a letter to his French counterpart Alain Juppe's determination to solve his country's recent murder of two French said Tuesday the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.