
UKRAINE: Three former leaders of the Ukrainian State support challenge

  In an open letter, three former presidents of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk, Leonid Kuchma and Viktor Yushchenko on Wednesday brought their support for the pro-European opposition. They emphasize all three the risk of "serious consequences" from the crisis for the sovereignty of the former Soviet republic torn ente EU and Russia. "We express our solidarity with the peaceful actions of hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainians," wrote the former heads of state. "The political crisis that developed in Ukraine could have serious consequences for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine," they continue. "Their commitment to the European choices, democratic values, fosters respect," still write about the three presidents of the demonstrators. These comments came before a ministerial meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), long-planned for Thursday and Friday in Ukraine, which has been maintained despite the crisis. With news (AFP)