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MAINTENANCE: When art goes direct baguette

Post n°217 pubblicato il 25 Novembre 2013 da twice1


For up in the polls, Hollande should take lessons ... music? Although lead can be learned, and this is what provides the Israeli Itay Talgam maestro during his workshops.

Thus he developed a working model based on a gentle exercise of power, opening new avenues for business leaders and policy makers. His method is inspired by his teacher Leonard Bernstein, who far from leading musicians "the wand" could lead them only with his facial expressions. He was able to build a harmonious relationship with his orchestra based on listening, trust and mutual respect. FRANCE 24 met Itay Talgam at the Palais des Papes in Avignon Forum, International meetings of culture in the economy and the media.

FRANCE 24: A good leader, what do you think?

Itay Talgam: I think it's like being a good teacher. When you think about the best way to teach is by showing the way, giving the tracks. It is then up to students to find the answers to appropriate knowledge, a technique, to experience. They say you can not really teach others something new. One can only remind them that they have the answers, how to find them, how to appropriate them. So much for leadership, be it a company or a country, you should know listen to others, teach them to listen to each other, namely the direct ...

FR24: therefore sufficient policy to be tuned to be good leaders?

You'd be surprised how simply listen to other points and make sure they listen to each other solves many problems. To be a good leader, he must certainly have knowledge, be smart, have good ideas, but also be able to put aside what we know to listen what others have to say. A good leader should not seek solution alone in his ivory tower, ignoring the others. It must be able to listen as a conductor, comparing their ideas with those of others.

As a concrete example: the road. You can put radars, harden the law ... But to change the attitude of motorists, it is especially necessary to teach them to play the game of traffic, make them understand why we must follow these rules. When people listen, respect, understand that driving is a social game, and they have every incentive to respect: they play the game together. The solution is there. Instead of imagining big plans, instead of threatening punishment, it may be sufficient just to be more attentive, and so make people more responsible.

FR24: But to lead, do not we also know slicing, make unpopular decisions?

When the house is burning, it is urgent, we did not want to discuss for hours. Then, yes, maybe in an emergency, a leader he or she shows the output, and is expected soon. Although I do not know for sure, but otherwise, the decision must be more "from below", although I do not like this expression! Solutions come from actors in society, that is to say, citizens, businesses, students, etc..

Heads of States, company owners should especially help create platforms, exchange places. Solutions often have just the simple fact of a meeting of views, experiences, histories, personalities ... I know it's a cliché, but it works!

FR 24: Politicians are they receptive to what you propose?

Ah! Policies do not listen enough! (Laughs) I met at the World Economic Forum in Davos, we talk, we exchange, but I do not delude myself. They see me as someone especially distracting.'s Businessmen are more likely however the ear, as you know, in the business world, the results are more easily measured. Either it works or it does not work. And yet, nobody complained


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PRICE FOUNDATION Chirac: The doctor Mukwege distinguished for his help women raped in Congo

Post n°216 pubblicato il 21 Novembre 2013 da twice1


Time approached for the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Denis Mukwege distinguished, Thursday, Nov. 21, by the Chirac Foundation for Conflict Prevention. He is rewarded for his efforts on behalf of women victims of sexual assault in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where rape is a weapon of war.

In a dozen years, the Congolese gynecologist made tens of thousands of women raped and sometimes mutilated. Threatened the doctor, considered an iconic figure led against sexual violence in DRC fighting continues his fight. On the occasion of the award ceremony, FRANCE 24 republishing below the story of Johan Bodin and Marc Perelman, who had met in February 2013.

Tirelessly, Denis Mukwege, a Congolese gynecologist, treats, operates, repairs. Women raped and often mutilated. With teams in his hospital in Bukavu, South Kivu, he has treated 40,000 women. Work to the extent of the horror that it faces every day. Over the past fifteen years, it is estimated that half a million women were raped in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Denis Mukwege also know, despite himself, clinically identify the perpetrators. Armed gangs, militias or regular soldiers, which ravage the region of eastern Congo and compete cruelty. Executioners who leave, in the flesh and female belly suppliciées, signing their torture. At machetes, piles, or firearms, rape is a weapon of war.

The doctor carries with it a terrible memory. In October 1996, he was chief physician at the hospital Lemera, in South Kivu. Some came from neighboring Rwanda armed gangs terrorizing the region. The gynecologist hand accompany a Western expatriate who must be removed for health reasons. Their convoy narrowly escapes an attack. The next day, the hospital is attacked, patients and staff killed. These victims still haunt Mukwege.


And over the years, the surgeon also saw its return to Children's Hospital of rape. Here, horror is repeated from generation to generation. These girls had been born that have in turn been raped at the age of 3 or 5 years. Barbarity. Denis Mukwege grabbed his dark anger surgeon to carry beyond the borders of his country. Bring the great indignation of the world: UN, European Parliament, France. The doctor took all the forums that have been offered to him.

The doctor refuses trivialization, despite the lack of resources of a Congolese state often conspicuously absent. For despite campaigns to fight against sexual violence, the perpetrators of these crimes can always count on widespread impunity. Today it is not only the men in uniform who commit rape. The spirit of war also infected civilians. The few lawyers who defend the handful of victims who dare complain are paid by foreign NGOs. Military judges of Bukavu, in their building, the roof collapses, must rely on the vehicles of the UN or international support for their investigations.

October 25, Mukwege escaped an assassination attempt at his home. Was it to make it stop? After three months of exile in Belgium, he decided to return to Bukavu, in the hospital, with those women who were assessed for paying her return ticket. We followed.

Since its operation to the nursery children through the dungeons of the police and shelters table, we were faced with some tough stories to bear. But needed to hear.

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NIGERIA: Francis Collomp French hostage kidnapped in Nigeria escaped

Post n°215 pubblicato il 17 Novembre 2013 da twice1


The French hostage Francis Collomp is free. President Francois Hollande announced Sunday, November 17, via a press release, the release of the engineer of 64 years, held hostage in Nigeria since December 19, 2012 by Ansaru Islamist group linked to Boko Haram. The Head of State then stated that the hostage had escaped: he "is released," he has said .

According to a source close to the French, quoted by AFP, Francis Collomp would have benefited from an operation carried out by the Nigerian army against his captors, for s & rsquo , escape. "The cell door was not closed," said Julie Vandal, RFI correspondent for FRANCE 24. "After escaping, he ran and took a motorcycle taxi that took him to the central police station in Kaduna, where he is now." ..... ...

In the publication of the Elysee, the Head of State expressed "his gratitude to the authorities of Nigeria [...] to the decisive action that e ty theirs "and informs us that" Fabius asked to immediately go to Nigeria to host Francis Collomp ".

"This long-awaited new does not make us forget that seven of our compatriots are still being held hostage in Syria, Mali and Nigeria. France will continue to work tirelessly for their freedom, "reads the statement also read.

"It is the joy"

Surrounded by his family and porches, Collomp Anne-Marie, the wife of former hostage, improvised press conference in front of his building, the town of Port, The Re ; union. "I was speechless, I did not realize is joy," is she pleased with the AFP.

Brother Francis Collomp expressed, for his part, his "immense relief". "I learned of this from the mouth of the president who called me from his plane bound for Israel," he told AFP. "I'm not expecting it at all, especially qu'Ansaru has never released a hostage. But we always hope, "continued the brother of the hostage, who lives near Aix-en-Provence.

The Nigerian Islamist group Ansaru was released in September a video of French. In this paper three minutes posted on the Internet and identified by the U.S. network monitoring Islamist websites, the French will read a statement.

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TYPHOON HAIYAN: Phililppines: survivors bury their dead and begging for help

Post n°214 pubblicato il 14 Novembre 2013 da twice1

Seven days after the passage of Super Typhoon Haiyan, the latest official figures more than 2 350 people, survivors are still poor and anger rises against the paralysis of authority s local and slow distribution of aid to survivors. Many scenes of looting were reported across the province of Leyte, the most affected, despite the deployment of troops to maintain order. "In the evening, a dead silence reigned over the coastal areas devastated on a strip of land of more than 70 kilometers south of Tacloban. We see the immense beaches strewn body. People lack everything, "said Cyril Payen, FRANCE 24's special envoy to the Philippines. "From 17 hours, you can not see anything because there is no electricity. Everyone is caulked home. Everyone has a little fear of looting and security problems, "he says. If police patrols and curfew established Tacloban Palo, a little reassurance population, rumors begin to run. "The rumor is impossible to verify that the extreme left rebels come steal food, begins to" reflects Marie Linton, FRANCE 24's special correspondent in Palo on the island of Leyte. As the prisoners escape from prison in Tacloban scare people, "she says. The survivors lack everything

In Palo, as elsewhere, the situation is catastrophic and can not help. Thousands of refugees lack everything: water, food, medicine. "The only real help is that of the municipality and the church in this country 80% Catholic. Different dioceses distributed rice, canned pasta and more than 2 500 families in Palo this morning, "according to Marie Linton.

In the municipality, the official death toll is 813 dead and 23 missing. "But nobody really believes. This morning, we saw five corpses in the streets, some in the debris, some in mass graves. The mayor does not always afford to go retrieve the body. That's why the smell is absolutely unbearable, "says Marie Linton.  

In Tacloban, capital of the island of Leyte particularly devastated by the typhoon, the same conclusion. Thousands of victims of private food and water trying to escape by getting a place on one of the few flights departing, while the ruins of the city are still littered with corpses, posing health risks .

The urgency of burying the dead

Nearly 200 body bags were lined up Thursday morning outside the city of Tacloban. Many bodies, many unidentified, must be transported Thursday to mass graves outside the city, one for the body identified, one for unknown whose fingerprints have been taken to try to identify a posteriori.

The municipality claims to have already collected 2,000 body, so that estimating the balance of the typhoon is still difficult. The UN has raised 10,000 deaths in Tacloban City alone, but the Philippine President Benigno Aquino found this figure "too high", referring to "2000 2 500" , died. The latest provisional official figures made for his 2357 state of the dead and 77 missing. And municipalities are crying for help to recover the bodies.

Slow international aid The chief UN humanitarian operations acknowledged Thursday that aid to the countless survivors of Typhoon Haiyan that ravaged the Philippines was too slow, lamenting that if they have been "abandoned" in a desperate situation. I think we are all very upset to be on the sixth day and not being able to reach everyone, "said Valerie Amos in Manila, recognizing that aid did not reach areas where "people are in desperate need of help." The U.S. aircraft carrier "George Washington" is expected in the evening on Thursday, with 5,000 sailors and 80 aircraft are expected to accelerate the delivery of aid . Japan prepares his side to send a thousand soldiers, along with ships, helicopters and transport aircraft in what promises to be the most important Japanese military mission abroad for one conducted in Indonesia, after the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004.

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FOOTBALL: With Ibrahimovic, PSG takes his ease at the top of Ligue 1

Post n°213 pubblicato il 11 Novembre 2013 da twice1


Paris SG, winner of Nice (3-1) thanks to a hat-trick Ibrahimovic took off in the championship of France, Saturday during the 13th day also marked By the missteps of his dolphin Lille to Guingamp (0-0).

Third of the season, PSG champion already has four points ahead of LOSC, second, and five on the third, Monaco, his presumed rival held in check in the Principality , Friday from Evian-Thonon (1-1).

Behind this trio, the fourth, Nantes, already points to 11 points in the Parisian leader, but the Canaries have yet to play their match in Bordeaux (11th) Sunday as Marseille (6th) to receive Sochaux ( 20th) and Saint-Etienne (7th) will host Lyon in a hot derby end of the day. 

Aware they can take to their heels, which presented itself before the international break mini which will notably France play qualifying for the World Cup-2014 dams against Ukraine (15-19 November), Paris did not miss this opportunity against Nice.

Ibrahimovic irresistible

A win was the only way to take full advantage of the new blow off Monaco while putting pressure on Lille. The plan was clear and was done without a hitch.

After two disallowed goals for offside and a series of clear chances, the champion of France opened the scoring on an action in Barcelona, ​​with 25 assists to key center half volley Gregory Van der Wiel and finish signed Ibrahimovic, the tip of the sole (39).

The Swede scored the second from the penalty spot in the second period (57th), after a big fault in the surface of Edinson Cavani, then concluded his recital with a powerful header to a quarter of an hour from the end of normal time (75). Nice side, Nemanja Pejcinovic (70th) saved the honor of a game that the Eaglets have spent to defend, defend and defend again.

With this hat-trick, Ibrahimovic has its counter 8 league goals, only a length behind the two leading scorer, teammate Cavani and Falcao Monaco. PSG carries him to his 33 matches unbeaten and a little closer to the record of 37, dating from the 1993/1994 season.

Lille hung Roudourou

First team to have dropped Monaco in the league last Sunday (2-0) to deprive him 2nd place, Lille could not do better than a goalless draw at Guingamp (8th), who makes a end to his series of four wins in a row.

In a closed game where opportunities were not legion, goalkeeper Enyeama and its best defense of the championship (four goals conceded) have not really been worrisome ing to Roudourou. Too bad for men René Girard that Salomon Kalou has missed an opportunity to lead just before the break.

In other matches of the evening, Reims, reduced to ten men 20 minutes from time, resisted to bring a draw (0-0) of Lorient which allows him to climb a e , amazing 5th place.

Bastia worthily celebrated the 600th championship Mickaël Landreau with a victory against Rennes (1-0). Bruno, from the eighth minute, scored the winning goal of the Corsicans, after winning a duel with Sylvain Armand, the other "hairy" in the championship with 413 matches the meter.

Toulouse (14), which remained in a dismal 5-0 cashed at the Stadium against Rennes, was held in check (1-1) by Ajaccio (19), still without a coach since sacking Fabrizio Ravanelli. Lasne had opened the scoring for the ACA, Sylla equalized for TFC.

Valenciennes (18th), finally, has long believed beat Montpellier (16th) after the goal Angoua (6th), but Stambouli equalized in the last minute.

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