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MALI: Reporters killed in Mali: the Elysee ensure that crime does remain "unpunished"

Post n°212 pubblicato il 07 Novembre 2013 da twice1


In the wake of the claim of the killing of the two journalists RFI, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Élyséea said Wednesday, Nov. 6 that France will " all its own implementation "for the crime goes" unpunished regardless of the authors. "

"France is engaged tirelessly in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel region," said the French president.

On November 2, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, two French RFI journalists were murdered in the region of Kidal in northeastern Mali. Wednesday in a statement released by the Mauritanian news agency online Sahara Medias, AQIM claimed responsibility for the assassination.

"This is in response to the crimes committed by France against the Malians and the work of African and international forces against Muslims Azawad", the name given by the Tuareg north Mali, says the document.

AQIM also believes that the killing of two journalists "is the minimum of the invoice (the French President Francois) Holland and its people have to pay in return for their new crusade," concludes statement. With dispatches.

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MALI: Sadness and anger following the killing of two journalists in Mali

Post n°211 pubblicato il 03 Novembre 2013 da twice1


The murder of Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, two French journalists RFI removed, Saturday, Nov. 2, in Kidal in northern Mali, has been widely condemned by the international community.

In a statement released later in the day Saturday, members of the Security Council of the UN "expressed their condolences to the victims' families, as well as government franç ais. 

"In accordance with international humanitarian law, journalists, media professionals and associated persons engaged in dangerous professional missions in areas of armed conflict, are generally considered as civilians and shall be respected and protected as such, "the statement said, calling on" all parties "involved in a conflict to respect these obligations.

"Heinous act"

In a statement from the Elysee, Francois Hollande on Saturday expressed his

indignation. "The president has learned with dismay the death of two journalists from Radio France Internationale, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon in northern Mali. He expressed his outrage at this heinous act, "he announced.

After speaking by phone Saturday with Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, the head of the French government showed its determination to fight against terrorism. "The two Presidents expressed their willingness to relentlessly pursue the fight against terrorist groups that are present in northern Mali," continued the Elysee in a statement.  

The High Council for the unity of Azawad [HCUA], a group of notable Kidal Tuareg, also condemned "in the strongest terms, the killing of two journalists RFI perpetual , strated Saturday in Kidal, "in a statement sent to AFP.

The MNLA said, for its part, "make every effort to identify the culprits", and condemned the crimes "to the fullest extent" possible.

"Unspeakable cowardice"

The French Minister of Culture, Aurélie Filippetti, also paid tribute to the two journalists "victims of barbarity." "Our sorrow is great tonight, our revolt is great at this unspeakable act of cowardice," said the minister in a statement.

The chief diplomat of the European Union, Catherine Ashton, expressed, in turn, "deep sadness" to "this heinous crime," said a spokesman. The EU will continue "vigorously support the Malian authorities in their fight against terrorism," said Ashton.

The Reporters Without Borders [RSF] denounced "an unspeakable and disgusting act." For its part, the National Union of Journalists [SNJ] insists in his tribute to "the price paid by some that the public be informed closer to the events without being satisfied of official statements of each other ... "

RFI Global Media and France in mourning

Since Saturday, the entire writing RFI is "in shock". "All teams RFI and France Global Media Group are shocked, deeply sad, angry and indignant, and their thoughts today are with the families and friends colleagues and friends, "they said in the statement.

"It is our job, which is to inform, which is reached today, we are angry, shocked. The Mali was hosting a party next Thursday emissions in Bamako [...]. We cancel this operation, but we will return to Kidal, "responded Cécile Mégie, editorial director of RFI on the radio, a little later.

"We're not going to Syria because we can not work, and we went to Kidal with all the necessary to ensure the safety of our fellow measures," Does she added.

"Faced with the barbarity we going to continue to do our job? It is the mission of all journalists. We may be inclined to think that here the freedom of information is a given, and we, we know that in many places it is receding, "responded to share the CEO of Global Media France - RFI, France 24, Monte Carlo Doualiya [MCD], Marie-Christine Zaragoza.

"I did not want to give up, I think with writing RFI, with that of our colleagues in France 24, MCD, anger will give us even more eager to not to be shut up by the barbarians, "she has said.

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The U.S. Senate wants to review the methods of espionage

Post n°210 pubblicato il 30 Ottobre 2013 da twice1


The shock wave of revelations about the NSA spying program in Europe reached the U.S. Senate, Monday, Oct. 28, with the announcement by the head of the Intelligence Committee of a "major review of all spy programs." The Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has also declared "vehemently opposed" to spy Allied leaders of the United States.

"It is clear to me that some monitoring activities have been conducted for over 10 years without the Senate Committee on Intelligence in being informed so satisfactory, "said the Democrat. "The Congrèsa need to know exactly what our intelligence community fact, she added. As such, the Commission will launch a major review of all spy programs. "

"With regard to the collection of information on the leaders of the allies of the United States - including France, Spain, Mexico and Germany - and I say unequivocally: I am strongly opposed. "

Diplomatic relations poisoned

"Unless the United States are engaged in a conflict with a country where there is an urgent need for this type of monitoring, I do not think the United States should collect data on phone calls or emails presidents or prime ministers friends, "continued the influential Democratic senator. 

"From the evidence I have, President Obama was not informed that the communications of Chancellor Angela Merkel were collected since 2002. This is a big problem, "she added.

The storm caused by a cascade of revelations about the eavesdropping National Security Agency (NSA) in Europe had not weakened Monday in Spain, where the newspaper Spanish "El Mundo", more than 60 million telephone calls were spied in a month, but also in Germany, where the revelations about pre espionage Sumé a mobile phone Chancellor created a shock.

Reacting to statements by Dianne Feinstein, the White House has merely stated that it was "regular" contact with her.

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FRANCE: Video: Marine Le Pen heckled by Femen in Britain

Post n°209 pubblicato il 26 Ottobre 2013 da twice1


Marine Le Pen will probably not expect to come face to face with two pairs of breasts in his Breton trip. Visiting Saturday at Fougeres, Ille-et-Vilaine, for a meeting, the President of the National Front was arrested by two activists FEMEN feminist group denounces sexism and homophobia topless.

Between handshakes and photos friendly, Marine Le Pen has been undertaken by a young blonde woman who, while shaking his hand said, "I'm really glad you have in my town, it is a great pleasure. "

In fact FEMEN activist, the latter is soon joined by a sidekick. The two women are naked breasts with cries of: "Marine, repent!" Slogan is painted in black letters on their bare chest The Chair of extreme party. me right, which seems more amused qu'offusquée at the time, turns quickly while the two feminists who also yell "sextrêmisme, not fascism" are pushed and are immobilized by security agents.

According to the explanations that flow from FEMEN are on their Twitter account, activists traveled to Ferns for "guide" Marine Le Pen "on the road to redemption." "Marine, no longer trying to change the people of France, you simply try to incorporate. You can change, it's never too late! "Can also be read on the social network. According to information relayed on the Twitter account of FEMEN, activists are held in a police station.

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FRANCE: Part of campaign accounts of Marine Le Pen not reimbursed

Post n°208 pubblicato il 23 Ottobre 2013 da twice1


This is what is called getting caught. The National Front (FN) was denied reimbursement of almost 700,000 euros expenses of the presidential campaign of Marine Le Pen, according to the Commission for Campaign Accounts and Political Financing (CCNCCPF) , confirming an article published Wednesday, October 23 in "Le Canard chained."

Unlike the outgoing president, Nicolas Sarkozy, whose campaign accounts were completely invalidated those of the leader of the National Front party has been "reformed" in other words touched. Of the 9 million bill presented to the CCNCCPF, 7.66% were rejected because of their nature.

A four star hotel in Nice

Among the accounting coquetry identified by the weekly bill of 102,442 euros University of FN was held in Nice on 10 and 11 September 2011, however, unrelated to the 2012 presidential election. President of the extreme right party also submitted a note 1 363,80 euros for the past two nights at the Meridien Hotel, located on the famous Ringstrasse , number Promenade des Anglais in the city. "During this time, the party cadres had the right to the corner Ibis, 80 euros per night. It's good to be the Head! "Quips" The Duck ".

The weekly also evokes a social evening organized 25 June 2011 in the gardens of the villa Montretout, with Jean-Marie Le Pen, to raise funds for the campaign daughter of honorary president of the National Front. Cost of the event called "Ball of the Navy?" 131,173 euros.

But the list does not stop there. So during elections, police officers are available to candidates by the Prefecture of Police, Marine Le Pen has preferred to use their own "agents security. " Result: 21,105 euros deducted from his campaign accounts.

For "Le Canard chained", the "ulterior purpose of this attempt to confuse accounting" is nothing less than the desire to "get at the expense of the taxpayer, a refund additional ".

"The rule of law"

Asked by Wednesday news channel LCI, Florian Philippot, the number two party FN qualified the correction of accounts by playing the card of transparency, recalling that the FN had merely to obey the law.

"It is normal and expected, said the vice-president of the National Front. Know the rules. It says everything that can be attributed to a presidential campaign. It was the opposite of Nicolas Sarkozy who forgot to spending so accounts were rejected, he was recalled by emphasizing the integrity of the FN in politics. This is a classic and normal event in a presidential election. "

Taking as an example the 2011 Summer University, explained Florian Philippot, this time on RFI, it was only a difference of opinion on the dice think. "It's his choice, his analysis is [that of CCNCCPF]. But that does not mean that it is an expense rejected. It is simply respect for the law, "he stressed.

Still, the campaign accounts of Marine Le Pen were not the only ones to be groomed. Other candidates have also had their accounts "reformed" as François Bayrou (Modem) to the tune of "249,955 euros" (3.55%) or Mélenchon (Front left) for "137,653 euros" (1.45%) and the sovereignist Nicolas Dupont-Aignan with "133,812 euros" (or 10.81%).

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