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Mapping to officialdom entertainment alienation office candid

Hunan Ma Zhongyang County, three public officers successfully photographed the county party secretary Hu Jiawu "bribery" video, three burned disc face to face to Hujia Wu, its figure, the county clerk is blackmail alarm, followed by 3 people detained. Local Propaganda Department confirmed that three people for the county party secretary of the monitor up to six months. It is understood that those people involved in the relationship between students and the motive is not yet clear.Media reports, if not "news", the reader can easily concealed camera in this office deemed spy war drama plot. The reality is entertainment, the officialdom funny, this is the reality of living in Hunan. Formats over three public officials of the county party secretary candid planning the implementation process, also faded the relationship between the three public officials and county party secretary, leaving only a montage of --- candid successful and lock the lens of "bribery" of the county party secretary .Paparazzi this presented to the discipline inspection and supervision departments, as evidence of the corruption of the Report county party secretary, regardless of videotaping forensics is legitimate, but still the purpose of goodness. The irony is that the videotaping will present "evidence" to be candid, to its figure ... photographed more complicated motives, to corruption, blackmail to officials or fraudulent money? Is more dramatic county party secretary but not entrapped report more ups and downs, the logic of the entire event.Eclectic novels from postdoctoral to Ray political Fu Yan Zhao, these virtual network eclectic material to expose the reality of officialdom judgment people a moment of trance: Really? But three of these entertainment stock proved to be assured of the fact that, arising from either the officials not to be "double" is leaving the company. In addition to these "yellow" officialdom entertainment, also found that the present anti-corruption officials "very violent", if coupled with the very conspiracy "office sex scandal, more entertainment-oriented the officialdom people very injured, because the public power The private (desire) of pollution alienation.To the public, the the people crowd mentality of officialdom entertainment complex. Officialdom and the entertainment, the words and deeds of the latter a bit and entertainment spoof, in addition to causing the moral dimensions of the undulator and downs, not fundamentally damage the social governance. But officialdom entertainment and innocuous "very yellow, very violent" or "very conspiracy, to erosion and shaken the foundation of the rule of law and civil society.