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U.S. writers disclose details of killing Bin Laden, betrayed by his deputy

American writer Charles Kefa Le forthcoming book, about the U.S. Navy special forces killed the "base"-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden action of some unknown details. Among them, bin Laden began the operation after 90 seconds killed and betrayed by his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri's content compelling.Action 90 seconds and killed Osama bin LadenCharles Kefa Le formerly Charles Patrick Farrar III, U.S. Navy, "Navy Seals" retired commander, now a writer, active in anti-terrorism expert in the media circle. In his "New York Times" opening column, participate in news programs as a commentator, as editor in two publications against terrorism hazelhandbags.Book, "Navy Seals goal Geronimo: kill Osama bin Laden insider action" published Feb. 8. Farrar involved interviews with several members of Navy Seals action, get a lot of first-hand information. Details on the death of Osama bin Laden, the official book disclosure statement with the United States is different.According to the official statement, commandos and militants exchanged fire for about 45 minutes later, Osama bin Laden killed. Farrar wrote, the two sides exchanged fire 4, bin Laden began in the raid was killed when one and a half. "Osama bin Laden died of shock 90 seconds after the start, rather than after a prolonged exchange of fire."In addition, Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden's wife Amal fighting in the second round when pushing commando, was shot in the leg.No roof cable down the stairsAccording to some White House officials on the course of action "to restore" commando by two "Black Hawk" helicopters from the U.S. Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, took off, stopping in Jalalabad, sneaked into Pakistan.As planned, a group of commandos dropped by rope Osama bin Laden may be hiding in the building roof, a group of players down to the hospital. A helicopter because the temperature is high, thin air can not get enough lift, two commandos dropped all hospital, stair climbing upstairs.However, the commandos involved in the operation told Farrar, commando helicopter with a rope leading down to the roof into the building, did not climb the stairs. Farrar wrote that if the commandos, as officials described as the ladder upstairs, alerted bound to Osama bin Laden, there will be enough time to get their weapons in self-defense.Osama bin Laden was killed a few minutes later, the lead helicopter landing site when trying to find fault, east of a fall in the main building a walled space, touch the ground tail first.Intentional disclosure of the whereabouts of his deputyFarrar believes that al-Zawahiri may deliberately leaked the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden to the United States intelligence officers, to be replaced as soon as possible, a "base" top man.Wrote, Ayman al-Zawahiri often sent a messenger to the hiding place of Osama bin Laden, which were already in the United States Central Intelligence Agency, the messenger, "vision" in the. Riba al-Zawahiri may not cause the United States suspect the messenger, Osama bin Laden soon arrested.Messenger for clues to the name of the U.S. suspected Bin Laden hideout a 3-story building. Intelligence officers revealed that the messenger live with a relative level, and thus speculated that Osama bin Laden and his family live in Layer 2 and Layer 3. Monitor staff time to see an appearance similar to people with Osama bin Laden appeared in the courtyard.According to a source as saying that al-Zawahiri, "the CIA to send a file included in the messenger (to meet with Osama bin Laden), is actually fantasyhandbags guided the CIA to find Osama bin Laden."Osama bin Laden, Zawahiri was killed in a few weeks later by the "number two" was promoted to the new "masters." He has repeatedly appeared online video, called on supporters attacked the United States, bin Laden revenge.British "Daily Telegraph" reported that some U.S. officials believe that part of Farrar book "clearly wrong." In order to avoid the characters involved in the book bring libel prosecution, Farrar modified version of the part of the UK.