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Indian Newspaper: USA says India Power will rebuild the global system

A senior U.S. official said, "India's rise will reshape the international system," he also said the United States for India, the United States and China in the 21st century, the Asia-Pacific region live in harmony. U.S. Undersecretary of State William Burns 4 Overview of the United States in the Asia-Pacific strategy, said: "I have no doubt, Asia and the world --- enough to accommodate our constituents if we so desire." Burns said: "India will soon become the world's most populous country, Louis Vuitton Antheia Ixia GM Gris Clair M97066 it is already the world's largest democracy, and may be in 20 years to become the world's third largest economy, the rise of India will reshape the international system. " He pointed out that U.S. President Barack Obama has said that India will become the "play a decisive role in the 21st century, one of the partners." He said: "We also wanted it to play a decisive role in the Asia Pacific region one of the partners." Burns said: "India has been strong in the East Asian economic and cultural existence, has been with Japan, Korea, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam partners, established a form of economic and security agreements huge network." He said India's tentacles fully extended forward in East Asia, "Look East" policy is becoming "action in the East" policy. Burns said: "This is why our two countries on the issue last year, the Asia-Pacific strategic dialogue, ensure that the world's two largest democracies, the implementation of mutually reinforcing strategic reasons." He said he hoped that India would work together with the United States to strengthen institutions in many parts of Asia, "to India and Southeast Asia and East Asia, linking free trade and investment framework for global trade and economic growth will have far-reaching impact." Burns said: "I can clearly say, we seek to India, the Louis Vuitton Antheia Ixia GM Noir M97067 United States and China in the 21st century, the Asia-Pacific region live in harmony." He said: "No matter what the differences between us, we all know, as the century progresses, the three of us if there is no constructive cooperation between the great powers, to solve the global problems will be less and less." He said the United States is also the region for the establishment of new partnerships "to build peace and prosperity in the Asia Pacific region to create a network of cooperation."